
*Edit* So many of you obviously didn’t read the whole thing. Two teen kids- when they were little I opted to be a stay at home mum. I have worked part time, and tried full time since they were in kindergarten. I said yes to one animal, he now has over 200, takes a mile. I put my foot down about...
I am going through divorce, currently separated under one roof. There has been so much DV where police had to be involved as it was physical as well. I was given a choice to have another baby or get married and for the life of me couldn’t phantom putting another soul into this situation. I have...
When I met my husband he told me he used to smoke weed….was just a casual thing but increased to all day everyday when he was unhappy in his previous marriage. He also believed it helped with his depression which he has been medicated for since he was 18. When we met he hadn’t touched it in 8months...
A few years ago, I had falling out with my brother, we didn’t speak for years, in the time that we didn’t speak he told his child stories of when we were younger, but only the ones that painted me bad and himself perfect . Now fast forwarded it to once we patched things up his child would make...
Hi, Feeling quite upset today as my husband of 13 years (been together for 20) has been making out that I don’t do anything in the house. Back story, I have been sick for a week and haven’t been able to do much and in the beginning he was just rest and get better however today our middle daughter...
What sort of work can we consider for my husband? My husband is late forties. He’s been a hard working labourer all his life but because of it he’s got a lot of body issues; he had a neck operation in his younger years, his back is wrecked, and he has tennis-elbow in both arms (tendons are tearing...
I've been with my husband for over 25 years was very young when I met him. I'm in my early forties, and now I just feel done, feel my confidence going and out of hope that he will change. I don't want big changes, I just want him to put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher is standing open and...
What do you do with the mother in laws who think they know everything and think they know best for your child?!? I’m so over it! Sticking her nose in all the time, telling me things constantly that I “should” be doing for my children! I’m doing the absolute best I can possibly do, doing everything...
My husband snores. It keeps me awake at night or makes my sleep so broken I wake up feeling exhausted. I have spoken to him about it on several occasions and have recorded it for him to listen to. He refuses to sleep elsewhere and if he does sleep in another room (we don’t have a spare bed) his...
How do i move on ? Im currently in a long term abusive marriage and i no longer want to be here . Its not as easy as 'just leave " Were do i start to heal ?