
Would love to hear some positive stories of life after a divorce at 40. Feel like I’m starting again, with 2 children, did anyone ever find someone again.
What do I even do? My partner and I have been together 5 years. Prior to my partner, my ex and I were very toxic. I was very thin, lots of abuse on his end regarding my weight, would cheat and blame it on my weight etc. (my now partner knew us together and knows about all the abuse) When my now...
So….an old friend of mine was in town as he travels with work. I’ve known this guy for 30+ years and he was in my circle of friends at high school and I caught up with him quite regularly when I was at uni. He is married. When he comes to town (he lives interstate) I usually always catch up with...
I'm currently seperated from my husband. He says he desperately wants to get back with me and I have been half considering it lately, however today I had a friend suggestion on fb and it's one of his ex gfs, fb said we had a mutual friend and it is my husband. The back story is he worked with this...
My partner of 15 years has recently been diagnosed with severe depression, OCD and addictive behaviours. He's seeing a therapist and medicated. Background info, I have caught him out using chat rooms and video chat with other women. This behaviour has been ongoing for sometime. My question and help...
I wish I could go back in time and tell my past younger self to run. I wish I could tell her that he will ruin your life. I wish I could tell her that she shouldn’t ever waste her love on him for so long. I wish I could tell her that he will drag her down until she has nothing left. I would tell...
Hi sisters, sorry for the long post and i probably know the answer to this but don't want to admit it or believe it. I have been married for 26 years together 27, after 9 years of marriage hubby had a bad accident that left him with an aquired brain injury which has changed his personality and made...
*Edit* So many of you obviously didn’t read the whole thing. Two teen kids- when they were little I opted to be a stay at home mum. I have worked part time, and tried full time since they were in kindergarten. I said yes to one animal, he now has over 200, takes a mile. I put my foot down about...
I am going through divorce, currently separated under one roof. There has been so much DV where police had to be involved as it was physical as well. I was given a choice to have another baby or get married and for the life of me couldn’t phantom putting another soul into this situation. I have...
When I met my husband he told me he used to smoke weed….was just a casual thing but increased to all day everyday when he was unhappy in his previous marriage. He also believed it helped with his depression which he has been medicated for since he was 18. When we met he hadn’t touched it in 8months...