
Kids Questions

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** edit definitely has the same opportunity’s and things as my daughter but she takes everything home. Also comes from a wealthier house hold and gets new things brought for her often at home. This isn’t a situation where im favouring my daughter more, or where im lazy and can’t be stuffed putting...
While I was helping my 7yr old sort his bedroom out today, I found a torn out picture from a chemist catalogue of a women’s breast (wearing a bra) under his pillow. He first told me his sister did it, then that he put it in the bin and it must have blew out and gotten under his pillow, then he told...
At a loss with my teenage son. Bit of a back story. Stepped away from week on week off with my kids for 2 years while my partner battled cancer then passed away as I was his full time carer. My ex partner had our children and I saw them when we were home from treatment. (We lived 5 hours away while...

Kids Blog Posts

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*Sponsored post Here's a little insight into what I do for my day job. I'm an Educational Consultant at my family owned business Harleys Educational . The year before my daughter started prep I put together a pack to help us get ready. Since then this pack has become one of our biggest sellers. Here is a quick little video I made about the products featured in that pack. Don't laugh at me and my...
Separation anxiety is fairly normal occurrence and most children will experience this at some stage. And it's something they will eventually grow out of. My daughter suffered from it when she started prep so i've learnt some things along the way so I thought I would share them with you all. 1) Make sure tell them what is happening. Explain using direct language what will be happening try to do...
About Author: JB is the volunteer co-coordinator, and a regular writer, for Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia. She is a stay-at-home mum with 6 children aged between the ages of 7 months and 20 years and is currently working toward a BA Literature / Sociology, and a diploma in counselling. Child sexual abuse is a topic nobody wants to talk about. Not only is it an uncomfortable subject, but...
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