Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety & Depression Questions

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My husband recently had a stroke. Despite him still in pain and numbness to his left side, he was doing so well. He is back home and we are trying to get back on with our new life. Yesterday we had a silly argument. Then that night he opened a beer. We have had the talk about absolutely no alcohol...
Ccb i cant get it but mum friends have without working. So i am a solo 24 7 mum to a bub. I have other solo mums too getting ccb without working I try fill out online and obviously doing something wrong as i get messages saying i am not eligable but why lol I am struggling. Burnt out and need some...
Hi ladies. My kids who are 10 and 12 have started to not want to visit their dad on the weekends. He has been abusive yelling in the past and drinks a lot. He is threatening me with lawyers now because they don’t want to go. I don’t force them but I give them the choice. I don’t want to give them...

Anxiety & Depression Blog Posts

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This is written by a fellow Imperfect Mum who wishes to remain anonymous. Did you know, There is 6 deaths by suicide every single day in Australia? That is one every four hours. According to the most recent data, it shows more people die from suicide then Skin Cancer in Australia. I could of been one of those deaths. I came very close to becoming a statistic. My name is not important. But my...
Depression is something that will be with me forever. It may not be ‘active’ if you like, but it will be something that I will have to be mindful of. Just recently I found myself slipping back into depression , depression comes in the form of being ‘pushed down’ and a dark cloud comes over. It’s like it just appears out of t he blue. It’s very hard to see clearly and to lift the feeling of...
Besides the practical changes in my life I allowed myself plenty of time to slowly cut out the antidepressants and made sure there were no external stresses in my life.
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