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Education Questions

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I'm stuck I don't know what to do. My son in year 4 got himself mixed in the wrong crowd at school and is doing silly things that are getting him in trouble to impress the people he hangs around. I obviously don't want my son continuing down the wrong path. I have nothing against the school at all...
Moving to Sydney from North Queensland. Has anyone moved from North Queensland to Sydney and regretted it? My husband has got a new job in Sydney and we are looking at moving our whole family down. Is there a big difference in the cost of living? What is the housing situation like to rent? What are...
I am a registered nurse/midwife who is looking for a move. I work in the hospital system. I would like to work for DCJ, AOD, women shelter, refugee support, closing the gap, community mental health. For those who have changed careers, what courses did you do. Tafe Queensland is offering dual mental...

Education Blog Posts

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Our children are our number one priority and we all strive to be the best possible mentor to them. But let’s face it – we cannot do it alone. I like to think of the village approach - each person in your child’s life has something important to contribute towards their future. Building and maintaining strong positive relationships with the key figures in yourchild’s life can enhance and strengthen...
I attended a parent / teacher information last night. And to be honest really didn’t feel like going. After picking the kids up and getting home the last thing I felt like doing was taking myself back there. But I did and I’m happy about it. Look I’m going to cut to the chase. Working in an educational business I am mostly impressed by the amount of parents that come in looking for resources to...
My nephew is at work with us today so I grabbed this educational computer game out. It’s called Targeting Maths. The main educational consultant in the shop raves about it. Her words: “You don’t get any feedback on ordinary products, but this is one product parents rave about and come back to purchase every level as they need it. The best part is, it’s only 20 bucks” You can buy it here It cove​...
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