Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health Questions

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Kiddo will be 17 in December. Adhd since yr 2. Asd diagnosed in yr 10 finally because his learning just wasn't getting anywhere and we really couldn't understand why. (NDIS plan involved) Turns out he has a verbal comprehension learning disability. He's smartish. But more hands on. Tried work...
Feeling a little embarrassed for being so vain but newly single after a really long time, feeling so self concious so here goes!!! I'm looking for a recommendation for wrinkles under the eyes - (I'm only early 30s and they're so bad from years of outside work!) I look after my skin now really well...
A few months ago, I woke to an image that I will never shake. It was between two of the people I loved the most. One I have forgiven and am moving on with for the sake of our daughter. But the other I can never forget the level of betrayal and hurt she (sudo-mum-sort-of-thing) caused as the...

Mental Health Blog Posts

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This is an inspirational read, this story is written by a beautiful woman who wished to remain anonymous. She shares her story of being an abandoned young mum who suffers from depression. This young woman has been through so much, she is truly an inspiration. - Kristy I was 17 when I fell pregnant with my now 3yr old little girl. There are many reasons surrounding this occurring but the main one...
Depression is something that will be with me forever. It may not be ‘active’ if you like, but it will be something that I will have to be mindful of. Just recently I found myself slipping back into depression , depression comes in the form of being ‘pushed down’ and a dark cloud comes over. It’s like it just appears out of t he blue. It’s very hard to see clearly and to lift the feeling of...
Besides the practical changes in my life I allowed myself plenty of time to slowly cut out the antidepressants and made sure there were no external stresses in my life.
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