Dv separation and lawyers


Dv separation and lawyers

I am going through divorce, currently separated under one roof. There has been so much DV where police had to be involved as it was physical as well. I was given a choice to have another baby or get married and for the life of me couldn’t phantom putting another soul into this situation. I have tried getting out multiple times, but it ended up me on the ground with his knee on my head or threats to harm the kids and I or damage to my property, pretty much making my life a living hell which he would show me a glimpse of every time I tried to sneak away. We purchased a house the deposit put down was 95% of my savings and 5% of his for the 20% deposit because he was never consistent with work and would quit at a drop of a hat because he wasn’t “passionate” about the job. He has put the minimum if that on the morgage and now demanding 50-60% because he doesn’t make as much as I do, but I make more because I pushed myself in a dangerous job to obtain more for my kids. The kids are older, reason behind the divorce is his behaviour started impacting my kids so they didn’t feel safe around him. They want to live with me 100% and from the separation have started to “hate” him because of the things his saying about me to them placing blame on me. I have been looking for an affordable lawyer because I have worked so hard to get ahead for my kids not for him to take from them but I can’t find one affordable within my means. I’m not eligible for legal aid but I also want someone who understands DV and would fight for my kids best interest. Anyone have advice? I feel like i’m fading away in a black hole and i’m trying not to because I have kids to fight for. Please help

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

2 Replies


Have a chat to someone at your local family violence support agency, you can call 1800 RESPECT to be pointed in the right direction.
They can give you suggestions as to what supports you can access.


Wow, that's a lot. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this.
I'm a member of the Domestic Violence Support Australia Facebook group and would definitely recommend this group to you. I've been a member for the past 2.5 years and find the group supportive plus you'll likely be able to find some helpful points from previous posts and the Domestic Violence Support library group (or similar name - you'll be invited to join after joining the first group).

I wish I could help with more advice, but just don't have the time - hence I recommend the above support group.

I can recommend an excellent family lawyer to you if you're based in the Newcastle area
