Parenthood Guilt

Parenthood Guilt

Parenthood Guilt Questions

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Kiddo will be 17 in December. Adhd since yr 2. Asd diagnosed in yr 10 finally because his learning just wasn't getting anywhere and we really couldn't understand why. (NDIS plan involved) Turns out he has a verbal comprehension learning disability. He's smartish. But more hands on. Tried work...
At a loss with my teenage son. Bit of a back story. Stepped away from week on week off with my kids for 2 years while my partner battled cancer then passed away as I was his full time carer. My ex partner had our children and I saw them when we were home from treatment. (We lived 5 hours away while...
My husband and I have 3 children and my husband’s sister has one. Our children are the oldest of the grandchildren and if my kids do anything or accomplish anything my MIL has to bring in my sister in laws child. Every time we see her she only talks about our niece and not about our kids. We all...

Parenthood Guilt Blog Posts

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Perfection does not exist – yet as mothers so many of us are all striving for it. We’re all putting so much pressure on ourselves and placing so much emphasis on the “shoulds”... We should always enjoy motherhood. We should always want to ‘give’ to our kids even when there’s nothing left to give. We should be present and ready to engage, play and be there for our kids 100% of the time. We should...
Do you find your eyes watching other mothers and hear a little voice in your head saying, “She is so, so much better at this whole motherhood thing than me.” I do. All. The. Time. I know we shouldn’t compare. But we do, right? As sad and embarrassing as it is to admit... But why, I wonder? Why do we compare and judge ourselves so much? I mean... I’m a confident, generally self-assured person so...
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. A bit of a hard question to put into words. Lately I’m feeling like i’m now just “his wife” and “her mother” – I’m feeling like I’ve lost who I used to be. I used to be a fairly social independant woman and now I feel as though I have somehow been robbed of my independance. I have an 8 month old...
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