Sisterhood Stories

Sisterhood Stories

Sisterhood Stories Questions

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Has anyone dealt with a similar situation and can give me some idea what to expect when we contact Centrelink? I need some general advice before spending three weeks on hold... My parents separated approximately 12 years ago. Dad moved out and applied for a single aged pension. On his application,...
Pros & cons of getting a dog? Been thinking about it for so long, but I’m worried about vet costs etc.
How the heck do we make friends as middle aged women? I’m 40. I wish I had just 1 friend! I’ve been talking to another school mum every now and then. She’s pretty cool. I really would love to be proper friends with her but I don’t know how to make it happen? (Omg, I know it sounds stupid). Do I ask...

Sisterhood Stories Blog Posts

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This Imperfect Mum and her family have been through hell and back in the last 10 years, diagnosis, double lung transplant, cancer in her kidney and liver and her husband beating thyroid cancer. Recently her 7 seater family car was stolen by a gang of teenage thugs who broke into their house while they slept and went on a 7 hour joy ride which ended when they crashed into a family home smashing in...
Written by a fellow Imperfect Mum Most of us have problems. Some of us are lucky to have family and friends to bounce them off. Some of us don't. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and judge someone else on what we would have done, how we would have handled it, how well we would have worded our question seeking help. I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes. I've held things in. And sometime I should...
Video of What Does It Mean To Be An Imperfect Mum? When I first became a Mother it was such a shock to me. I seriously had no idea that I would find it so overwhelming. All I could feel was such a deep dark feeling of anxiousness. I was completely and utterly overwhelmed. I could hear this voice in my head telling me how hopeless I was. This baby deserved so much more, it was like the walls were...
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