Aspergers & Autism

Aspergers & Autism

Aspergers & Autism Questions

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For a long time we have suspected my son has ASD, he has showed a lot of the signs. When he was 6, we sent him to a child psychologist who did heaps of testing/questionnaires on him and he concluded that although he does show signs, he didn't give an actual diagnosis. Now he is 17 years old, and...
What is the youngest age possible for a child to drop out of school in qld? School is just not the place for him! He hates it and is struggling with every aspect of it. He is only just 13.
Hi guys. (Possible trigger warning, also long post) I am needing some help with an issue. I am battling with Manic Depression, & ASD/ADHD/PTSD/OCD I am of victim sexual abuse. As a child, preteen & young adolescent. My point to this post, is I need advice to help to clear my mental load. My...

Aspergers & Autism Blog Posts

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Remember the story from earlier on in the week, The story of a Mum being helped by another Mum (Kate) to support her son while he had an epileptic fit. Yes? Well please meet Teagan, Teagan is cooper’s Mum. Cooper is the little man that has epilepsy. *Make sure you have your tissues. This is an inspirational, yet hard hitting read. Message from Teagan: There’s such a horrible stigma around...
Due to the starkness of yesterdays post, I have decided to write a nice heartwarming story. My family owns a couple of small business in Cairns in one of the business we have an employee who is quite high on the spectrum and in result does not speak. In fact, in the last 5 years he hasn’t spoken one word. He communicates via email and online chat. To be honest at times it was extremely...
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