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Is anyone else unlucky in love? Or is it just me? I met my daughters dad when I was in high school. We didn't start to actually date to I was 19, my first love. He was quite a mean man as time went on, so I left when I was pregnant and didn't look back. He is now engaged and has more kids. I then...
Trigger warning Pregnancy loss I had a termination at 11+3 weeks. I tried for this baby. I loved this baby. It was a very rough pregnancy due to endometriosis. My partner then became abusive. I also found out later on after the termination that he was living a double life with another women, trying...
Single mum here with 2 kids with COVID trapped at home by floodwater.in Lismore. Our car is officially gone - metres of water above the roof. Thankfully we have cans and noodles until the water subsides… but the rain is relentless. Hoping for some Government assistance once this nightmare is over...
Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks. What to expect ?
Trigger warning, DV Bare with me Im at an all time low. I thought years back after leaving my dv relationship pregnant things could never get any worse than this but I feel they have. This feeling of worthless of not wanting to be here any more is so strong I just can't shake it off. I'm seeing a...
Please help I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins and I found our last week that one of the twins has no heart beat. I am beyond devastated! This isn’t my first miscarriage but it has hit me so hard. I have 3 other children so it would have been baby number 4 and 5, completing our family! Now I feel...
Im bloody doing it. It's only just hit me but I'm actually doing it. I've been full time single/working mum for a while now. My son is 6. I didn't go back to work for a few years as I just wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. I didn't want to miss a thing. I've had him for 6 years no...
So it’s 3am in the morning and I am at work I just started my swing back at the mines 2/1 I had a at home medical abortion over the weekend , I passed the baby on late Tuesday afternoon and is now Wednesday morning I don’t know why I came to work , thought being around people would help me and I...
I am very close with my ex (father of my children) firstly. Over the past few weeks he has been having a rough time mentally. A few weeks ago he had a break down and took a couple weeks to get back on his feet. Over the weekend he had another breakdown and reveled to his older brother that he was...
A few months my partner and I made the decision to terminate an unexpected pregnancy. Upon deciding this we went for our ultrasound where we were told the sac was empty (7 weeks along). A few days before the termination I had cramping and blood discharge. Hubby believes that we were lossing it...