Missed miscarriage


Missed miscarriage

Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks. What to expect ?

Posted in:  Loss & Grief, Loss of a Child (My Story)

3 Replies


They will usually give you medication to bring on a physical miscarriage or get you to go in to hospital for surgical removal. Sorry for your loss!


Im sorry for your loss.


Hi. First of all, I am very sorry for your loss.
I had a missed miscarriage around 11 weeks. Baby stopped growing around 5-6weeks.
I had bleeding and then the next day I started getting contraction type pain in my lower tummy. This went on overnight until the contractions got very intense in the morning and my cervix felt very sore and I passed several big clots. I assume this was my little one. After that the pain eased. I had bleeding for about a week. I would say it was similar to a heavy period with some small clots.
There are many miscarriage support groups on Facebook you could join.
All the best.
