Top 10 mums I met in Israel

Sporty mums. Tech head mums. CEO mums. Designer mums. 
We met A LOT of people when the Vibe Israel Mommies toured in September – but I totally love mums and how they seem to run the world with the next generation watching. I wish I could include all the mums we met, but to save you time, here are my top 10! (not including the 4 international bloggers I met there! Love you guys!) 
I’ve included pictures and also links / emails for you to contact them if you feel the tug and their story stirs something within you. They would LOVE to talk about what they’re passionate about (and yes, they all speak English!) and I really encourage you to ‘bridge the gap’ and reach out to them if you want to know more.
Go on! I'm sure they will inspire and encourage you too! 

Joanna Landau - Founder and CEO of Vibe Israel

In no particular order is my list – but this woman is THE woman! 
Mumma of three, Joanna has looked at the world (specifically Israel) and wondered how to make it a better place, especially for her kids.
It's like she's on this personal mission to change the reputation Israel has been given from bad media - and is creating an army of recruits from near and far to do so. 
Joanna, I'm hired! Israel is amazing and has stolen my heart! 
I’ve been her facebook friend for a couple of months now and this woman is inspiring. Everyone seems to just love her!
I'm so excited the Vibe Israel site now has blogs - and look forward to reading more of Joanna's blogs as she just radiates with positive energy and wisdom. 
Thank you Joanna for this life changing experience! When I think of Israel, I will think of you! 

Helie Gursoy - Israeli Blogger 

Helie Gursoy and myelf at the Daniel Rowing Centre in Tel Aviv (Photo Credit: Shani Sadicario)
This lovely ‘down-to-Earth’ mumma is my blogging buddy, Helie! 
Vibe Israel teamed us up with bloggers of similarity to us in Israel, and I absolutely loved my time with Helie.
While other bloggers interviewed and had agendas – we just tagged along for a lunch and then hit the beautiful Tel Aviv beach to take a breather from our crazy kiddy filled lives to chat uninterrupted. Yeay!
Helie is the type of blogger who is not afraid to share all that is going on in her life. From having trouble conceiving, to having twins, to going through a divorce, to making tough decisions on abortion – she’s a beautiful honest mum who wears her heart on her sleeve. 
You can read it – Google translate does some crazy stuff converting Hebrew to English – but it is readable! You can find Helie's blog here - at
Thanks Helie for a wonderful afternoon and your ongoing friendship...

Tal Sarig-Avraham and Hilla Ovil Brenner - The Girls at Google!! 

I call these women "The Girls at Google" as we met them at the Google campus in Tel Aviv – Israel’s big buzzing city.
These women are the movers and shakers in the tech world! Wow!
Tal is from Google and Hilla is a seri entrepreneur! They came to share with us about the exciting 10 week course called 'Campus TLV for Moms' - run by a Women Entrepreneurs group called yazamiyot.
These ladies weren’t able to sit still when having babies and didn’t want to put their careers on hold, so came up with this course, where mums can come to the Google building with their children to study through their maternity leave. I LOVE that!
Hilla shared with us they've run 11 of these courses so far and now have a speakers waiting list it is so popular!  
I just love that having kids doesn't stop us from being creative / career driven / having ideas - and this is a strong community of like minded mums to inspire one another. 
Keep up the amazing work ladies! 

Ofra Abramovich - Mamanet

Ofra Abramovich (in light blue!) and Mamanet - with the Vibe Israel Mommies (Photo Credit: Shani Sadicario)
Ok sporty and social mums - this one is for you! 
Ofra wanted a sport that mums of all ages and stages can play - where you don't need to be extremelly fit, but you can enjoy the social benefits of being a part of a team. Cachibol (which is a combination of Volleyball and Netball) was that sport - but Ofra wanted it to be something special, just for mums. 
This is ‘Mamanet’ – a fun yet still competitive game just for mums!
The goal is not just to win, but to become united and support one another. Their slogan "Every mother can" really does say it all! 
Behind the sport, there is a unity because they encourage the kids to be a part of it, the teams are made up of mums in the same schools and they participate in community events and awareness campaigns. 
Ofra says there are over 87 cities in Israel where Mamanet is now played!
And they're taking over the world, with leagues in Canada, US and Europe! (and hopefully, one day, Australia too!) 
It’s such a fantastic idea – and these women would LOVE to see it become a world wide format. 
Thanks for the game ladies! 

Hadara Arbel - Our tour guide through Jerusalem 

Hadara was our tour guide through Old Jerusalem on the first day with Vibe Israel.
She shared that it was her passion for her country that pulled her back into touring again soon after having children - even though it was such a difficult decision. It’s such a common question here on ‘The Imperfect Mum’ - talking about the guilt of working when having babies – and so I wanted to share that with you all. 
Mummy guilt is not bound by borders! It’s international!
I’m glad she did as she was a wonderful guide, fulfilling the requests of her group! 
Jamie, one of the American bloggers, has a lot of breastfeeding mums on her site, so Hadara included a visit to the breastfeeding room at the Western Wall.
Happy Jamie Grumet at the Western Wall nursing room
Hadara said we were the first group to 'tour' through there, but we loved seeing it! Yeay mums!
Hadara is also a part of an online community she co-founded called 'super-moms super-guides'  which unites mother tour guides! I think that's so inspiring! 
They seek to encourage mums to return to the field with helpful information such as nursing spots / pumping tips etc - as well as keeping these mums connected to encourage one another and support other guiding mums. 
For me, it was a beautiful reminder to connect with other mums who share the same interests as you. 
Thanks Hadara for showing us a part of the country you love so much! 

A mum from the streets of Jerusalem 

Yeah, this lady wasn’t on the list of people for us to meet – but while I was brainstorming the list of top 10 mums, I couldn't forget her. 
I could count on one hand the amount of beggars I saw in my 2 weeks in Israel, but I think I saw this lady and her child a few times while wandering the streets of Old Jerusalem. 
I really wanted to talk to her. Have a meal with her. Go see her home and hear her story.
I wanted to know why she was where she was...How did she get here in life. 
Head down, not making eye contact, her child sleeping across her lap, not much movement around them other than the flies - I won't forget this mum and even in her struggles, she still does what she needs to, to support her child. 
Lots of love to you Imperfect Mum - I will never forget you and your child too. 

Einat Dor - Owner of the children's store 'Tuty Bamoshav'

I really enjoyed listening to Einat, because her store reminded me of where Kristy works - at her mum's company – Harley’s Educational.
Just like Kristy's mum - Einat is passionate about supporting locals, having high quality products for people to see and networking with people in the same industry! 
The main difference is Einat has children's products - while Harley's has educational supplies (oh - and her store Tuty Bamoshav is in Israel! Harley's Educational is in Australia! ha ha!) 
You could tell Einat was passionate and hard working - yet also soft and had a radiating smile too!  
Einat Dor - Owner of Tuty Bamoshav (Photo Credit: The amazing Shani Sadicario again!)
We also got to meet some of her friends and work colleges while we were there - with some awesome products! 
Hagit Neeman Gorny - Founder and designer, Gitta Bags
Yael Oz Carmon - Founder and Designer - Holla Mama
Tal Gueron - Navy Baby Bags (Baby Bags for Men!)
I love that all three of these people saw a need, couldn't find what they were looking for on today's market - and then made it themselves and available for other people. So inspiring! 
Thanks Einat for having us at your store and introducing us to your friends! 
For more information on any of these products - just contact Einat via email at: [email protected] 

Tamar Hadar - Co-Founder of Luna-Da Children's Museum 

Tamar is amazing! Like, I want to bottle up her enthusiasm and energy! Wow!
Along with her friend Efrat Adiv, Tamar has co-founded the Luna-Da Interactive Kid's museum in Be'er Sheva, in the south of Israel.

It's on my list of places I want to go back to when I take my family to visit Israel - which I've blogged about here: 5 places I want to take my family! 
Efrat and Tamar would work full time jobs, then do the usual family things after work. After putting the kids to bed, they would start work again at 8pm together, working on the museum project and getting it off the ground! Wow!
(Sadly, Efrat couldn't tour with us through the museum as she was looking after one of her children who was ill. I TOTALLY respect that - international guests visiting, yet she still knows when her little one needs her she has to be there for them. Super mum Efrat!)
This place was amazing! It covered so many areas of learning for kids - emotions, working as a team, geography, art, maths, outer space - all delivered in a fun 'game like' environment. 
Massive Magnetic Wall
Puzzle Conveyor Belt Style
Walls of information for kids to learn while playing
Art Wall - where kids are allowed to write on the wall!
Get to School on time Activity - YES!
Large outdoor shaded playground
This museum for kids was AMAZING – and words just cannot do justice what we saw there! (There are more photos on their site here!)
Full wheelchair friendly, kids learning through play, exploring feelings and emotions, around the world games - I seriously could of spent hours in here! 
Can someone build one of these children's museums for us in Cairns? Thanks… appreciate that!
Tamar also invited us to enjoy a traditional Sabbath dinner in her home - and meeting all her family was a night I won't forget.
They did traditional practices - including lighting candles and singing - and the family connection was beautiful!
Tamar was very accomodating in answering any 'Sabbath' questions we had - and I felt so welcome and home sick all in one (Tamar's twin daughters reminded me so much of my daughter!) 
Thank you Tamar! I will never forget you and your beautiful family! I will send over more 'Crunchie' bars one day! 

Sarit Shani Hay - Artist and Designer of Children's furniture

To be honest, when I read we were visiting a children’s furniture store I didn’t expect this place to be so memorable.
But down a Tel Aviv street, was a couple of cute signs - and it felt like we stepped into another world when we entered Sarit's studio!  
Sarit shared with us that when her daughter was born, she took great enjoyment in designing her room and realised it’s where she was inspired. I love it when people turn something they love doing into a career! 
She now does kindergartens, classrooms and her creations are worth checking out her site for! (You can do so here!)
This store is a little piece of magic in the middle of a city and I really recommend a visit if you’re ever in Tel Aviv.
Thank you Sarit! For showing us your space and sharing your story. We had a lot of fun! 

Sarah Pacher - Ultra-Orthadox author and journalist (also a mother of 11! Wow!) 

Vibe Israel took us to one of the most beautiful restaurants I've ever been too - the Lumina Restaurant, right on the beach front in Tel Aviv.

We dined under the stars - but we were also accompanied by some amazing stars too! 

Meskie Shibru and Iris Shani - Vibe Israel Dinner
Meskie Shibru is an actress of Ethiopian origin and Iris Shani is the CEO of 'The Israeli Association for ADHD. Both these ladies were so polite and it was a pleasure to meet them! 
But I personally believe the woman who had the spotlight at this meal was Sarah. I just couldn't stop listening to her! Funny, entertaining - and she had the most amazing stories! 
Sarah Pachter (another amazing photo by Shani Sadicario)
Mother of 11, Sarah is a 'Ultra-Orthodox' Author - who has written a new book 'Supermom! (Who? Me?)' and her hearts desire is to one day make the New York top selling list. 
She shared with us the highs and lows of having such a large family, answered a lot of our Jewish questions - and is still going to get back to me on why she wears a wig to cover her beautiful hair! 
Was lovely to meet you Sarah (and Meskie and Iris too!) and I wish all you ladies well in your ventures.
Hope to see one of your books on the shelf in Australia one day Sarah! 

I hope these mums and their diversity and passions have inspired you and if you keep thinking of them - do try to connect with them. Or, any questions - feel free to fire away here on the blog and I will try to point you in the right direction or answer what I can. 


Big thank yous to Shani Sadicario too! Any photos with the 'VIBEISRAEL' logo on them are her magic photos. She was so much fun to tour with! 

Her facebook page is here is you want to see more fantastic examples of photography magic!  You're amazing Shani! x


Want more of Israel? Just click the links! 



About the Author

Kelly has been enjoying volunteering on The Imperfect Mum page for years now, scheduling questions and working behind the scenes with the forever growing inbox!

Posted in:  Kelly (IM2)

2 Replies

חלי גורסוי

My dear It's been an honor and a pleasure to meet you,
Here's my review for our mommies date:
Big Hug!

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