
I'm really concerned about my daughter, she is 11 hitting puberty hard and fast and recently started her period however she seems to have so much pain with it. My older daughters never really had this issue with pain. But miss 11 seems to have super heavy bleeding, pain for the week before and the...
Good evening mumma’s I hope you can point me in the right direction regards to Master 16 nearly 17. He is so short tempered (just ask the doors he has punched holes in them) Which he says the most hurtful things to me, when is is so short temper 😓(as a mum as you can imagine it cuts like a knife)...
So this is going to be long, but please bare with me. I just can't shake the feeling this is an unhealthy situation for my son to be in and will not end well. I'm a mother of a 16 year old boy. Normally I would say he is a sweet natured boy with a heart of gold. He's quiet, shy and a people pleaser...
How can I tell if my 9.5 year old daughter is heading into puberty? She has been - I say this with a heavy heart - unbearable lately. Her moods swing like round abouts. She speaks so horrendously to us all and especially her little sister. She snaps, she scowls. Then 5 minutes later she’s a...
Please post asap. 8 days ago my 13 year old daughter found the string of her tampon in the toilet. She went to the shower and said she could just see it with a mirror but couldn’t get it out when she tried and asked to go to the hospital. She was examined but the male doctor was unable to find it...
Hi sisterhood, I'm just needing a little guidance or tips please. My Daughter is 9 and has definitely reached puberty. She has a lot of discharge and changes several times a day. I'm washing them everyday and we have spoken about everything, nothing is off topic in this house. It is normal, no...
I have an 18 year old who is attending Tafe after years of school refusal due to bullying that the high school refused to address. A 15 year old who also refused to go to school, because he hates it and refused to engage. He’s now got a worker from the Navigator program to help him with education...
My eldest turned 10 recently and I'm proud of the young woman she's becoming, I realised also that in about 18 months, she will be starting high school. Am I the only one around who feels that time has gone way too fast and my children are growing up way too quickly? It seems like just yesterday...
Tween Girls; Skin care and shaving Hi there I’m a mum to a soon to be 11 year old she has developed hair under her arms ect and we are looking at starting the shaving or waxing process but along side this I wanted to set her on the right path with daily skin care routine can anyone share with me...
My 15 year old son loves his bedroom to be a mess, it seems. I’ve helped him clean it up a million times, but it always ends up the same. I am a single parent and work night shift in healthcare and often am not home for dinner time. Meals are always prepared ready for he and his brother (18). Both...