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Hi Moms. My beautiful 11 year old daughter is overweight. She is tall for her age but carries a lot of weight around her middle. Her dr has said ( privately to me) that yes she is overweight but just to keep offering healthy foods. As her Mom, with my own weight issues, I am always very careful to...
So I have low frequency hearing loss and finally getting hearing aids but now panicking about the price. I’ve been given 4 options ranging between $12,500-$5,100. I’m so scared it’s a lot of money is this a normal range? Is the top of the range worth it? Am I being ripped off?
Newly separated, starting from absolute scratch (no savings left since leaving DV). Now the kids and I have set our goal to buy us a home! My question being, where to start?? I'm embarrassed to admit I'm in my 30s and I'm not even sure the best way to start saving?? Should I see the accountant?...
What sort of work can we consider for my husband? My husband is late forties. He’s been a hard working labourer all his life but because of it he’s got a lot of body issues; he had a neck operation in his younger years, his back is wrecked, and he has tennis-elbow in both arms (tendons are tearing...
Mirena and Happy Mammoth advice. Hi sisters, Has anyone had any issues/success with taking happy mammoth and have a mirena. Just wanting to hear of ladies experiences. I will be asking my GP however, I’d like first hand experience. Thanks all. 🙏
I need help trying to connect and build a better relationship with my teenage son. He’s been acting out alot lately at school, at home and with friends. I know it’s my fault! To say I’m 100% stressed 100% of the time would be an understatement. I’ve got so much negativity going on all the time that...
Hi ladies. Recently I had an appointment with a male gynaecologist. I'd like your opinion on 2 things he said to me that I cant shake out of my brain. 1. most women prefer to have a period than to not have one, and 2. most women get through menopause quite fine. I thought the opposite would be true...
Curious if anyone else has this happen or could shed some light on what it might be? A few times lately, while being in the shower, I start getting a rash and really itchy on my chest, back, arms, neck and face. Still using the same soap I have always used. Comes up just after getting in the shower...
Hi ladies. I'm really scared so I hope someone can help. I think I might have a small vaginal prolapse there's like a bulge just inside my vagina towards my front. My vagina feels uncomfortable. I think it's been like that for awhile. I've been ignoring it because I'm scared to go get it checked. I...
Recommendations for pure marine collagen? Please and Thankyou xx