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My husband and I are together for almost 14years. We were 19 when got together and had baby the following year. We were young parents. We stood by our choice. I didn't force him into anything as I don't want to be blamed. We got married at 21. He asked. We had been through so much. Family issues...
Hi sisters, My partner and I have been together 11 years this year and we have one son together and I have one son from previous relationship (no contact with bio father since before he was born) my partner has raised our son since he was 1 years old and to him, it is his son and to our son, he is...
Hello almighty kings and queens of wisdom and knowledge!! Can you help a sister out?! Back Story: I am 16 months post separation from my ex husband. I have a beautiful new partner and he has the biggest………..heart! You all thought I was going somewhere else with that one didn’t you 😏😅 But in all...
My husband and our eldest daughter (13yo) do not get along. They used to be best buddies when she was little but as she has gotten older and the hormones started flowing, he no longer understands her way of thinking or doing and distrusts everything about her. There have been lies in the past about...
Hi Imperfect Mum, I'm in need of so advice please, My brother has split from his girlfriend, her mum had the baby for 3 months an now my brother has the baby as the mother didn't want the baby he 9 mths old 😭 and he has been paying chlid support for the last six months, he has had the baby for a...
My poor ex-husband and now good friend was seeing a lady who has genital Herpes. She was honest with him and told him there was no way he could catch it as long as they used condoms. They broke up and he’s just found out he now has Herpes Type 1. He’s devastated, wondering how he caught it as they...
My husband is a beautiful father. He is dependable, calm, attentive, present in everything and gentle. He gets up in the night, does daycare drop off’s and has the occasional surprise splurge at the shops buying things for our son. All round great guy too (but I’m bias). Anyway, we are slowly...
Question about pregnancy. Can someone be one month pregnant when they have only been with their bf for a month. Asking for a male friend. His ex claims it is his child. But he isnt 100% sure. There was no unprotected sex in the first 2 weeks atleast. Neither did she have her period in those first 2...
My friend has a baby due in a few months but has recently separated from his wife. Care arrangements for baby are unclear at this time as to how much time the dad will get to spend with the baby once it is here (the mother is controlling). The mother is inconsistent with making decisions regarding...
Hi mums, I have a question for any mums who have partners that arent their bio kids dads... step dads basically... I'm 27, hes 30. I've been single for 2 years up until I met "A" roughly over 3 months ago. We clicked immediately and we have an incredible amount of fun together. He knew I was a...