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I’m not looking for responses but I wanted to use this as a platform for my weight loss journey, as it’s anonymous and I wanted to use it for accountability and to share updates for my own sake. I really hope this is ok! Starting my journey on 18th September (Monday), at 105kg. Christmas is coming...
Hi Sisterhood, I’m hoping you can help me. I’m searching for a weight loss meal replacement shake that has no sweetener. I’m currently trying The Lady Shake but it’s so sweet I can hardly tolerate it. The Stevie sweetener in it flares my IBS. I’ve tried to do a search but with no luck. I’d love to...
If you were going to make your family a really healthy meal for dinner (because they’ve been eating far too much processed crap lately), what would you make?? Something that their bodies are going to benefit from.
I need some ideas on healthy dinners and healthy snacks for teenagers! My daughter is putting on a lot of weight and I want to help her indirectly. She is quite fussy which doesn’t help and refuses to take insulated lunch box to school so nothing cold. Or direct me to any websites/facebook pages?...
Today I had to collect my Woolworths online shop but got a notification that there were 7 deli items out of stock and they would refund these - literally everything I ordered from the deli. These items were for school lunches, dinner additions etc. Things I couldn't do without. I have 'Allow...
Tonight my 14 year old made dinner and she cooked me up a hotdog with mac and cheese, mustard and A1 sauce. I was like huh...but it was delicious 😋 then I remember the sorts of food combos I came up with when I was a teenager haha. What do your teens come up with when they cook dinner?
I am very, very overweight. I cannot believe the large amount of weight I’ve gained. I’m so mad at myself. I look terrible, none of my clothes fit anymore and I only leave the house when I absolutely have to because I’m scared of what people will think of me. I eat because I’m so sad and depressed...
Hi sisters, I’m wanting to buy a protein powder, and I’ve never used anything like that before. What are your recommendations for one that will help fill me up and help with weight loss? And were you bought it? Owned/made in Australia would be a bonus but doesn’t have to be. Thanks ladies xxx
So I'm reaching out for help for my daughter. She is doing a cookie dough fund-raiser and as I'm a single mumma I can't exactly order a lot (as much as I wish I could). She wants to get 75 orders to win the biggest prize. If you can help I would be ever so thankful and greatful for you time and...
Hi Mums, Does anyone know if single mums who work are eligible for rent assistance? I work almost full time, 3 kids, nsw and recieve no centrelink benefits. Just wondering if it's income calculated or based off rent paid?? (Backstory caus I know there will be people judging) I'm currently staying...