My Al La Carte Cooking Show *snigger*
Al La Carte - Cooking with The Imperfect Mum *Snigger*
Submitted by The Imperfect Mum on Fri, 07/10/2011 - 08:56.
About the Author

Kristy Vallely is the founder and Creator of the Imperfect Mum.
Kristy believed there needed to be a place that women could go to. Where they could talk and relate. A place they could feel safe. A place they trusted. So The Imperfect Mum was born in June 2011. There was obviously such a need that when the gates 'opened' a huge flurry of women followed. Kristy has always been very passionate about women and the issues they face.
Her passion and determination has helped her carve out a career helping others and creating 'a go to place' for women from all around the world.
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24 Replies
this is excellent!!! you must do more noodale dishes lol :D
Ha ha mmmm what could be my next creation... Ha! X
Bahahahaha oh that was just amazing!
Mmmm, mmm I like the idea of not necessarily needing to add the seasoning...mmmm cause a nice plain noo-dal is always a nice change.
I bet every mum will love this easy recipe to trial
Mmmm nood-al is always lovely on it's own..Next time your up we will have to do a dual cooking show.. Ha! X
You`ve out done yourself once again.!!! heheheh.xx
Mmmm sophisticated is my middle name - huh!
Noice, very noice Kristy. It was the sprig of rosemary that made me feel particularly inadequate. sheesh ;)
Hee hee yeh thoinks Kirri thoinks.. Don't mean to make people feel inadequate... It's just that I. Soo hot roight now... Sorry bout that..
Oooh lush! I don't know how you do it. I for one would struggle to open the packet :(
Ha ha - mmmm I'm not sure either, I continue to amaze myself LOL X
My trick to spice up Noodal is to crack an egg in with some grated cheese - seriously gourmet!
Ohhh now that does actually sound yummy..ohh may have to steal that idea!! XX
Hahahaha! you are too funny!
Love the long stem glass for some extra glam.
Most of all - loved seeing you xx
Ohhh Thank you.. I loved seeing YOU last week!! Can't wait to see u for real in March - whoop! X
Love your style Kris!!
Thanks Love!! My girlfriends and I used to muck around like this all the time... When we were younger oh so many moons ago! Brought back lots of memories... and we love ala 2min noodals xx
Oohhh ya al la 2minute al la noodal... X
YOU are bloody HILARIOUS Kristy Vallely!!
Ha Ha thanks Darlin XXX
My 2 year old tells me I'm 'too loud' because I'm laughing too much and he can't hear his DVD =D
Love you so much Imperfect Mum!! You represent me!! =D xoxo
lmfao my kind of dinner :)