
Behaviour Questions

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I'm so angry. I'm raging in side. I feel so undervalued. So hurt. So silenced. I have all these emotions coming out of me from no where. I left my daughters dad 9 years ago this week. Due to DV. I was pregnant and he moved on as soon as I left. Yes there was intervention orders. And at the time I...
What is the youngest age possible for a child to drop out of school in qld? School is just not the place for him! He hates it and is struggling with every aspect of it. He is only just 13.
The last few months I have been really angry and upset and just anxiously disregulated allll the time. Just snapping and getting really cranky over everything. My kids are really feeling it unfortunately. And I feel like it’s started ever since I got a Mirena put in. Is there anything I can do to...

Behaviour Blog Posts

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Separation anxiety is fairly normal occurrence and most children will experience this at some stage. And it's something they will eventually grow out of. My daughter suffered from it when she started prep so i've learnt some things along the way so I thought I would share them with you all. 1) Make sure tell them what is happening. Explain using direct language what will be happening try to do...
This is a FAQ post. These are the most popular answers to a real question asked on The Imperfect Mum. I’m needing advise on how to stop my 3.5 year old from swearing! She constantly swears when angry/frustrated or when she simply doesn’t get what she wants. I admit I’m guilty of dropping the F bomb on occasion. How do I make her understand these words are not appropriate or acceptable? Emma: We’...
I wonder when is it appropriate to turn the other cheek. Are we too busy with our own life that we either walk past or something we shouldn’t? The other morning I was driving my kids to school I noticed two boys in the car in front taunting another kid who was walking along beside their car (we were going very slow due to congestion). You could tell the boys in front were the “popular” boys. They...
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