I think my husband is depressed


I think my husband is depressed

I'm really concerned for my husband. A bit of back story - I was diagnosed with PND about 7 months after our second child was born. I got help, got back into a good headspace and life went forward fine. Fast forward 8 months, I was reading an article about anxiety (I suffered it bad with my PND) and showed my hubby to help him understand why I'm still sometimes anxious. He read it and then said that he thought everyone felt like that. Since he said that I've been noticing other things, his moods, lack of sleep some nights due to tossing and turning, the way he's been acting with the kids lately - no patience, yelling at little things, frustration and expectations that tantrums shouldn't be happening (our kids are 3yrs old and 15 months old), and I just feel like he may be suffering some depression and anxiety himself. The way he is acting is ringing bells on how I was when I was diagnosed with PND. I would like to approach the subject with him about seeing his GP to either rule out depression, or get help if it is depression, but I just don't know where to start. He's a proud man that provides for our family, and he comes from a long line of proud strong men. I just think if I came straight out and told him what I was thinking he would brush it off and never get help. The rate of male suicide terrifies me and I don't want him to become another statistic. I love my husband with all of my heart, he is a good man and he would do anything to make sure our family was safe and secure. Please, has anyone got any advice as to how to approach this and get him the help I think he needs. Thank you in advance x

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Men's Business, Post Natal Depression

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