Give the gift of Life

Give the gift of Life

For the beautiful strangers considering donating to my cause, please allow me to introduce myself; I'm a 33 y/o single mum of an infant whom I carried and gave birth to thanks to a beautiful 'anonymous' donor from a fertility clinic, otherwise know as my babys Father. I couldn't begin to imagine what it'd be like never becoming a mummy as it's always been my calling in life & I feel like the luckiest woman on earth to have been given this opportunity despite all health odds. I went for 6 months without menstrual cycles which caused my alarm bell to ring so I engaged in investigations & after 13 months of medications which weren't strong enough for my ovaries, during the 14th month attempting IVF injections, thankfully I'm blessed to have successfully conceived. It's miraculous after being diagnosed with infertility due to a severe case of polycystic ovaries & post menopause before the age of 30, this is an extremely confronting & challenging realisation. When I was told this news I cried for 4 days & nights straight, then I couldn't take no for an answer I wasn't ready to give up on my dream & just roll over. I went through a roller coaster of emotions during this journey but came out the end with an angel, my baby girl. Prior, I'd been going about my business, waiting for mr right but could've been waiting forever & if I put my daughter off any longer I may not have ever had her as my body clock literally is ticking, it's not just a figure of speech. Come time when my baby can talk, I'll endeavor to put her in playgroup & focus back to opening my business which prior to my health conditions & going into motherhood, I'd been working casually & just completed my academics as a professional counsellor for a diploma.

I recently heard about crowd funded IVF on The Project on the TV, channel ten where generous souls donated to a couple to help alleviate the high costs involved, so I too hope to expand my family since I'm unable to do so naturally. A couple of the major costs for me would include;
$200 fertility specialists initial consultation
$235 keep the vile frozen
$650 IVF injection drugs
$900 my daughters Fathers vile
$2,330 IUI cycle fee
Then there's other fees for required ultrasounds, blood tests & standard medications which I can thankfully get rebates from Medicare. These are the main costs mentioned.

Many people wonder how one can afford a baby if not able to afford IVF, the simple answer's IVF's upfront costs, whereas paying for a child's accumulated over a life expectancy, I'd say 18 years but that would be niaeve of me to believe parenting stops there. Others may expect me to work for an employer to save for another cycle of IUI/IVF & in respect to this I'm working very hard, over full time, days & nights around the clock as a single parent raising my little lady. I understand there's skeptics out there who may not necessarily agree with reaching out & I won't blame you as I understand when you've no knowledge being oblivious to this feeling of yearning not having walked in someones footsteps, ignorance's expected, so I'm not offended or angry with any negativity, as seen responses on another couples plead to friends & public.

I'd just love to give my fast growing 7 month old baby a sister or brother to play with, not just because of my love for children but so she's never alone in our world, especially considering her Father is a donor who she's unable to meet until she's 18 & my family consists merely of the two of us, sadly we have no other close relatives. My hope now's to ensure my daughters happiness which will come from my unconditional love & hopefully a sibling.

If you're in a financial position to open your heart & help give the gift of life, even if $1 every dollar will contribute to adding to the love of my life. If you'd like to hear more about my journey & find out about my baby girl before making up your mind, or to make a kind donation now via paypal at [email protected] directly, as gofundme takes a portion from donations made on their website so I don't recieve your full amount. I will be matching donations, so together we can hopefully make this happen.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Men's Business, Being a Dad, Post Natal Depression, Relationships, Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief, Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2), Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler, Kids, Money

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