


TW suicidal ideation

My son keeps telling me to buy rope so he can hang himself. He’s 14 and he smokes weed and when he’s out of it and can’t get any, he gets really upset.
I don’t know what to do. He won’t come to the doctor to get help, I don’t know who to ring up to get help for him,
I love him so much and he doesn’t love himself at all.
He was on anti depressants and was taking them then decided not to.
I wrote in before about him. I was going to crush up his medication and give it to him but everyone said not to.
How do I help him when he won’t see a doctor or talk to a counsellor??

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Teenagers, Drugs & Alcohol

11 Replies


Next time he threatens suicide call an ambulance for him, it will 100% speed the process up in getting him any help through the pathetic adolescent mental health help we have in this country. Been there and I was on suicide watch with my son for 2 years and could not get any help because he wouldn't see a doctor. Scariest time of my life as he was beyond any help I could give him and nobody would help me. Call an ambulance and he will be forced to get help, don't muck around even if you think he's bluffing.


Thank you! I did not know I could do that. Was your boy able to get the help he needed and is ok now?


Definately agree with calling an ambulance. He will be placed on a mental health hold which will be hard for you but the alternative is worse.

The hospital will assess him and organise the support he needs


Definitely call an ambulance! When my son was threatening self harm I was told to take him straight to emergency. My son wasn't as bad as your son. Don't muck around. He will get the support he needs once he's at the hospital.


Yeap call an ambulance next time he makes threats to hurt himself. When I did this to my son (for the same reason) we had 2 cops cars rock up, 1 ambulance and 1 mental heath worker. My son was non compliant with the police but spoke to the mental health worker and then was transported by ambulance to the mental health unit for overnight observation.

After the fact, we got him help via a mental health care plan, youth workers and intensive family support services. In your case you’d also need to look at support around your sons drug dependency and of course education.

I cried my eyes out thinking my son would hate me for calling the ambulance, I didn’t even go up to the hospital with him... not because I didn’t care but because I knew I would be no good for him and he won’t talk while I’m around. He texted me at midnight the night of admission begging me to come and pick him up. I said no. Hardest thing I had to do. I just reminded him I loved him and would see him again the next morning .


He's 14 and smokes weed. There's part of the problem.

My son was like this too. Was introduced to weed at 12/13 by his 'mates families' and it forever damaged his brain to the point not having it would make him suicidal. He used it almost daily behind my back. He almost succeeded taking his own life once when he was 22 and was hanging from a tree. He was found there by a family member and taken to hospital where he was in a coma for 2 weeks, deep ligature lacerations forever scarred around his neck. He lived. And 15 years on nothing has changed. Hes still a severely depressed weed smoker and commits horrific offences when he can't get any. Nothing and no one can help him anymore. To protect our families, everyone has moved on from him. He just became too dangerous and damaged.

And yes, all because of weed. He simply cannot function without it and weening off was his last option. It worked when he was 17 until he went back on it 12 months later. Those 12 months without it were the best months of his life. Unfortunately he went back to it.

So many people think weed is harmless. It isn't in some people. It is as deadly as meth addiction or herion dependance. Once they are in the grips of marijuana use, some are too far gone to ever recover.

Please do what you can to help ween him off weed. It's extremely dangerous to young developing brains.


I agree with you, I get annoyed when people say weed ins harmless. Used responsibly it can be harmless but like alcohol it can completely wreck a person. My ex used to have rages that lasted hours if he couldn't get any it was terrifying.


Oh my goodness, how terrible. This is so sad and scary 😭


Id crush up meds and give it to him. I was against it but worked with a girl who lpst her best mate despite her mother's best efforts lost her. The hospital wouldn't keep her in(mental health) they were teens and she begged them for help. She wished she had "respected" her daughter less and given her meds.


If he says it again ring 000 they come and take them now and get them help.


Not always, sadly, speaking from experience my son threatened suicide so I called the mental health number, then called 000 under their advise.
when the cops and ambulance arrived my son said ‘yes I felt suicidal before, but I don’t now’ so they left. Yeap. Left. Said have a great night and if he hurts himself or says he will again give us another call or take him to the hospital yourself.
