


I can’t control my anxiety anymore, I feel like it’s taking over me, I feel like there’s everything wrong with me.
Has anyone else been in this situation and had it fixed?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies


Yes I feel like this. I have anxiety disorder. It is horrible crushing illness, I am so sorry you are going through it. My tips are, eat a strict healthy diet, talk to your partner or a friend humbly about how you feel, go for a short walk every day, stick to a routine, write a list of your triggers and work on them, try and get enough sleep.
My advice to you is be very cautious of the potential bombardment of people telling you to go to a doctor and get medication. Please resurch everything your self. Knowledge of what is going on and why is the best way of beating this thing. As for meds like SSRIs, don't take going on them lightly. While on one hand it is tempting to not have to feel the pressure it is a slippery slope. The meds while some people find them helpful are only a temporary solution unless you want to be on them for a long time they alone will not fix you and in my experience cause a lot more problems then they are worth. The reality I have found is most gps are quick to prescribe medication, I would advise seeing a specialist for medication as it is pretty serious stuff.


Yes i have always suffered from anxiety for as long as i can remember.
It got to a point where i could not function. I couldnt even walk to the mailbox, or even begin to cook for my family.
Ive been on anti depressants and while they can certainly help, the way i got myself out of the hole was to help myself. Positive self talk, set tiny goals such as havig a shower or getting dressed and congratulating myself on them. I was my own cheerleader.
I also sought help from a counsellor which kept me on track and i have found holistic therapies work better for me than traditional western medicine. So things like meditation, hypnosis, reflexology and naturopaths have helped me.
I still have anxiety but it is 'high functioning anxiety' and when i have a rough patch i can talk myself out of it with some self care and love.
I would still suggest seeing a gp and get a mental health plan and see a counsellor or psychologist asap


Yes. I realised my persistent "depression" was actually persistent anxiety. Once I realised that, I treated it completely differently and worked on managing attacks, different medication and finding the wind down time I needed to diffuse the anxiety so I didn't go into full-blown attacks.


Yes, see your doctor they can get you into some counseling or on some meds x


Yes I have been in your situation and recovered without SSRIs (it wasn’t an option for me or I would have used them). It takes time and persistence with techniques. I found a psychologist that was understanding and proactive with anxiety in a supportive way. I also found a couple of books helpful: The Little Book of Calm by Paul Wilson, The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris, Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal, Growth Mindset Journal (yes it’s for kids but the resources can be used by any age) and The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne. I also found apps like Calm, Breathe and relaxation music on Spotify helpful. My calm down toolkit consists of: baths, tapping, yoga, relaxation music, guided meditations for belly breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, body scans and 5 senses grounding. On a preventative level I use: affirmations and positive quotes to change my mindset, problem solving templates for situations, good nutritious food, hydration, spending time outside in nature, gentle exercise, a bullet journal for planning (chores, apts, work and rest) and a list of fun activities I can do when I need a break. Sorry for information overload, hopefully you can take something from it or do what is right for you. You can do this!
