


it's not healthy... it's probably abusive.
you say how you feel. your wrong .
You try to make it better. your a bitch.
You are miserable. Its your fault
you love him. he is horrible.
you deserve better ..you stay.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Aspergers & Autism

3 Replies


Because so many people don't realise their self worth and feel there's no other options. They are scared and there's not a whole lot of information on the avenues one can take to escape a DV situation. So they feel trapped. They worry about their children, what if he takes her to get custody and wins? Will she ever see them again? He works, she doesn't. What will she do financially? Where can she stay with absolutely zero dollars to her name?


Because a part of the abuse cycle is not only isolation but beating them down mentally and emotionally until they believe they have noone but the abuser and no where to go.


Because it all starts with your self worth. Long before the noticeable abuse.
But then, one day, you see it for what it really is, you decide you have absolutely had enough, and you find it in you to walk away.
