
Hi, So firstly back story. Engaged to my partner of 7 years. When we fell in love we moved straight in together and blended our family of 7 kids. Wow, that wasn’t easy....We have had more than our fair share of ups and downs. Leading to us living separately. We cannot for the life of us communicate...
My autistic, very anxious, chronically Ill child is thriving at a private school but our family can no longer afford the school fees. 13 months ago I had a baby and my oldest developed a chronic medical condition (all at once our lives changed). I have not been able to return to work since due to...
Does anyone here work at coles or Kmart? How did you get the job? I applied online weeks and weeks ago but never heard back. Should I go in store and give them my resume? Thankyou
This probably more of a rant than a question but I need to get it off my chest and here is the best place! How is it that because my ex is a lazy piece of crap that refuses to work (always has been this way) only has to pay $17 PER FORTNIGHT of CS for 3 children and yet my current partner is made...
Hi all! I currently work full time as an assistant manager in a retail store. I've worked in various roles within retail my whole adult life - i am in my mid/late 30s. I don't know if it's just because I've had a see you next Tuesday of a day, combined with PMS week or what but today I was so done...
Hi Sisterhood, My life is a giant mess and I'm just at breaking point. My abusive husband was removed by the Police two and a half years ago and I wrongly assumed things would be better. If anything, things are worse. He has pursued me through the courts for the past two years non stop (contesting...
Hi, I’ve been with my partner 20yrs and he has a severe online gambling addiction. It’s been going on for 5+yrs and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m drowning and my anxiety is through the roof I’ve begged and pleaded and nothing is getting through, we can barely afford rent and...
I’ve been on the job hunt for a while. Applied for jobs to no success. I’ve now printed out some resumes and cover letters. I would like to go around to different places handling them out in hopes I can get something. What are some tips? What should I say? All advice and info appreciated. Thankyou
I wrote a book!! I've got it written and have all ideas ready BUT how do I find an illustrator? And what's the process to get it printed? Then possibly published? Any help would be great!
Hi Mums, Does anyone know if single mums who work are eligible for rent assistance? I work almost full time, 3 kids, nsw and recieve no centrelink benefits. Just wondering if it's income calculated or based off rent paid?? (Backstory caus I know there will be people judging) I'm currently staying...