
Well it’s that time of year again at school, end of year awards. I know I shouldn’t be comparing but I can’t help it. Every year I see all these people posting photos of their kids with all the awards they’ve achieved and I can’t help but get a little jealous. My 2 children are in high school and...
I have a 10 year old only child so I regularly ask her school friends over for play dates so she gets time with other kids. I collect the child from school, drop them home and often give them dinner. Her school friends live close by and I get on well with the parents. However, the play dates are...
I need some advice or where can I go for help please. We see our Dr on Tuesday (19th Sept). We are applying for NDIS assistance too. My Miss 3 is non-verbal, and we are in the process of getting her assessed for Autism and ADHD. She understands what we are saying to her, can follow directions, is a...
Apologies in advance, it’s a long, detailed one! My 15 year old son is autistic, very trusting and loyal, even to people who hurt him. Has zero bullsh*t radar, is easily manipulated - always has been. He attended a ‘special’ school but wanted to go to mainstream when we moved states (year 10). He...
I am struggling, my child is struggling. It’s been an uphill battle for the last few months. He is 7 years old. Boisterous, happy, confident child, though he is starting to fall apart. Since he was 3 I’ve noticed some behavioural issues, but nothing to warrant looking for help outside the home. He...
May be triggering - I’m a bit at a loss and not sure how to approach this, and looking for some guidance. My 7 year old was sent home yesterday with a picture they had drawn in class time- it contained some graphic doodle illustrations- teacher feedback said another child was involved and when...
My nine year old daughter is very developed for her age. She has had very dark, thick armpit hair come through over the last few months. My conundrum is - school swimming is coming up. Do I leave it be, and let her face the inevitable teasing (with help from me so she knows how to respond to it),...
My daughter is 9 and in grade 4. There was an incident this week where another little girl drew a picture of a skull, my daughters name and a knife through the skull. She approached my daughter in the playground and said this is you because you are rude and don’t let anyone talk. Now, my daughter...
I’ve never had friends. My whole life, I’ve just never clicked with anyone. Not even mums from school that I try and talk to. I just don’t know why but it’s really depressing and heartbreaking. I’ve spent my whole life wondering why and what’s wrong with me! I’ve tried to be different to who I...
I’m a single mum and in the fortunate position of being able to buy my own home. I’m currently renting in a suburb I love that’s close to the kids school and friends but I could never afford to buy here, it’s well out of my budget. The rent is almost the same as a mortgage repayment. However 10mins...