Tip: Please summarise your question in a few words.
E.g. "How do I toilet train my toddler?"


Hi IMs, I’m having a hard time trying to express to my partner how important it is to me for him to want to spend some time with me on a weekend. I’ve tried talking to him several times but he just makes excuses for his time spent elsewhere. He’s here at home except for work, going to the shops and...
Does anyone have recommendations on which Union/s to join from personal experiences please.
When you’re at a blokes place, and you see his mum go out somewhere at night, and ask him where’s she off to at this time of night, and he replies “probably her boyfriends place…looks like it’s the night for mums visiting their boyfriend tonight”, with a big smile on, is my sloooow ass correct in...
I’m looking to an au pair. I’m on au pair world but haven’t seemed to make an actual decision or have someone jump out at me. Where has everyone gotten their au pair? Is there place better to look? Places to avoid? Desperately seeking one. Single mum Working Foster parent Would love the extra hands
Partner hates me being close with my mum, he thinks we are too involved with each other and that we too talk much about personal things, like when the kids have dr appts or something of that kind. I also don’t drive so if he is working (which he now works away for 4+ days each week) my mum helps me...
I'm stuck I don't know what to do. My son in year 4 got himself mixed in the wrong crowd at school and is doing silly things that are getting him in trouble to impress the people he hangs around. I obviously don't want my son continuing down the wrong path. I have nothing against the school at all...
Needing some advice. I have a 11yr old girl and I feel like she has little to no confidence and she is struggling with motivation/inspiration. Does anyone have suggestions on programs/documentaries/podcasts anything that may help to build my gorgeous girl up!
Feeling a little embarrassed for being so vain but newly single after a really long time, feeling so self concious so here goes!!! I'm looking for a recommendation for wrinkles under the eyes - (I'm only early 30s and they're so bad from years of outside work!) I look after my skin now really well...
When should a business complete your group certificate? My old job isn't really organised and I think they're dodgy and there's only 9 people working there as it is and they still saying it'll be completed next week and so forth when it should of been completed end of June..
At a loss with my teenage son. Bit of a back story. Stepped away from week on week off with my kids for 2 years while my partner battled cancer then passed away as I was his full time carer. My ex partner had our children and I saw them when we were home from treatment. (We lived 5 hours away while...