Anxiety/panic disorder.


Anxiety/panic disorder.

Hi guys!
I have been having ongoing anxiety and extreme panic attack issues boarding on years now.
I tried a psychologist once, didn't help. I spent almost 2 years in and out of doctors and emergency rooms as I truly believed I was dying. I can't even explain it, I feel so out of control of myself, its taking over my life and I don't know what to do. I can barely drive or go to shopping centers, sometimes I break down because I feel like a failure of a person. It's gotten in between my relationship (I can't go anywhere on my own). I barley take the kids out, so its affecting them too. No one else can understand why I can't just 'get over it'. I'm at my whits ends, I really don't know how to overcome it, and I still worry there's a serious underlying medical issue.. Someone please help :-(

5 Replies


Did you see a psychologist for one session or did you mean that you tried a psychologist for a period of time? I have depression and anxiety and initially I resisted seeing a psychologist, then I saw three for one session each as I didn't like any of them and gave up looking for one, then after a pretty bad relapse I tried a new one again and have been seeing her for about 12 months it's not a magic cure but every little bit helps and I've got things under control again. I'm not an expert but from my experience I think you need to see your GP, get a mental health plan in place and find a psychologist that you feel comfortable with (keep getting referrals until you find one you like, it's a pain but worth it). I don't believe that these type of issues are curable but they are able to be controlled. It may seem impossible in the state of mind you're in but I promise the actual act of seeking help is less stressful then you make it out to be.


My son has a panic disorder, through hard work, a psychiatrist, and medication he has improved greatly. BUT his psychiatrist has said he has improved more than most people do because my son pushes through the anxiety and panic by gradually pushing himself to do a little but more until he becomes desensitised to a situation AND he has taken his panic attack medication to help him push through.

Hannah Phillips

I myself have Panic Disorder. I developed it when my baby was 8 weeks old. Went from a normal person to bed ridden. Suddenly had massive head spins and thought I was having a heart attack. Had a billion tests and thought I was dying. Diagnosed with Anxiety and Panic Disorder. I couldnt be alone, go to shops without feeling like I was being watched, became extremely paranoid and suffered depersonalization. It was horrific. I was put on meds which caused so much more drama. Fast forward 16 months and I feel 90% better. I put it down to coming off medication and FORCING myself to face the fears that panic disorder created. I forced myself to the shops and crowds and places where the panic attacks happened. Instead of running away from my problems i faced them and built this kind of resistance. It was so hard. I also started putting myself first which I never did in the past. Read the book Power over Panic. It is amazing. I also started walking heaps and taking fish oil. Honestly if you keep yourself locked up then it feeds the panic. I know its easy said. But I went from bed ridden to not being able to keep me home now. If you want any more help or info pm me any time!


Oh this sounds awful :( sorry to hear! You sound like you have some underlying issues that are causing these? Anxiousness and attacks?
I also suffer from depression and anxiety and had a panic attack which scared me into help and medication.
Are you on medication aswell? Can they put the dose up if you speak to your gp?
I have issues in my relationship which is the main reason for my breakdowns. Kids can also increase your anxiety as much as we love them. I also go to the gym. Try some pilates or yoga or just anything pop the kids into creche if you can and have some YOU time. It does help!


Hi guys, thanks for the replies.
It's nice to know I'm not alone in this and other people experience it as well.
I'm currently not on meds, I tried then about 3 years ago and the side effects seemed to make it worse.
I have no idea what triggers it. It's kind of like a 24/7 thing to me now. It's a long story but started after the birth of my second child. I started to get heart arythemias as well. It's more a physical thing that leads to the emotional thing. I tried a psychologist for a few sessions and quit. I'm open to trying it again but can't afford it let alone drive myself there. I spoke to mind spot once and got an assessment, they said the issues I have are very rare and severe. I'd love to hear how others overcome it, right now it controls me and I feel like it's a never ending nightmare. I just want to be normal again.
