Wayward Teenager


Wayward Teenager

Wayward Teenager
I have a 15 year old teenager, her boyfriend has left his family home and presently staying with us, he’s been to court recently on different charges, his own parents just can’t handle him anymore.

Here’s the backstory of our daughter she disappeared for 4 days she was with this boy, we had no ideal where she was she just kept sending us messages saying she was ok, we as parents decided to get her to come home we would let the boyfriend stay.

It’s been a living nightmare since, boyfriend has been caught shoplifting, been suspended from school, breaking a local business property, and the list goes on.

Last night we found out about the business my daughter was there she didn’t cause any damage but the boy did, we had a talk to both of them the boyfriend admitted too doing the damage the boyfriend was actually apologetic for his actions but my daughter was not just full of attitude we said that is someone livelihood, she was like I don’t care, we said to her what if someone did that to your property how would you feel don’t care she said. Told us she was going to take off again….we’ve done the grounding, the hard the soft approach to no avail.

Always late for school to find this morning the school number had been blocked so god knows if she has actually been going.

And then found out this morning they had taken off early hours this morning to meet his brother.

Feel like I’ve failed as a parent any advice would be appreciated.

Posted in:  Teenagers, Tips and Advice

2 Replies


Try giving the boyfriend standards to be able to stay there. No law breaking, go to school, be respectful, no leaving the house at night etc. If he can't do it he will have to find somewhere else to live and let it be known to your daughter that if she runs away you will pick the worst photo of her to use as her missing person post to be shared all over social media.


Kick them both out. Yes it’s horrible but if she’s a decent human being she will realise very quickly how good she had it at home. Boundaries!!!
