Why do the nice genuine people never get any luck?


Why do the nice genuine people never get any luck?

WHY do us empathetic, nice, caring, sympathetic, helpful people who only want love and kindness, ONLY get bad luck day in and day out? Not an ounce of any kind of good luck or good things? Yet those we are stuck in bad relationships with ONLY get good luck and good things? They are so cruel, so hurtful and so selfish yet everything just falls into their lap or just turns out the best for them? We are genuinely nice, yet only get the bad things? WHY? It is not fair! It is just not fair.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Health & Wellbeing

2 Replies


I think it's all to do with perception and the way people talk about themselves. If people talk about the good things that are happening to them then that's what everyone will see and focus on.

These people are more likely to be a bit more confident with things like job interviews and asking for things that most of us might think inappropriate or difficult to ask like a pay rise.

People that get what they want by treating other people badly always get their karma eventually.


Sometimes shit things happen to good people, sometimes good things happen to shit people. That one of life's many twisted ironies and no, that's not fair but it is what it is...

Having said that, I feel like one's general outlook on life plays a big part in this. Negativity breeds more negativity! You focus on the bad and that's all you'll ever see!

I also don't necessarily believe that the majority of our experiences come down to luck, sometimes things happen that are entirely beyond our control but usually the trajectory of our lives (especially when it comes to relationships) comes as a direct result of the choices we make.

It might be worth doing some reflection and seeing where you can make some positive changes.
