Going white


Going white

I'm 38, and have noticed I have white hair peeking through my dark auburn ginger rooted hair. I'm not all that freaked out. I have tight curls so I hope they will blend in really well. I just don't have the patience to get my hair done every 6 weeks.... I'd love to see photos of those with curly hair who are going grey/white naturally. Every red head on my mums side bar my mum went white.

3 Replies


I have super tight curls (afro). My greys blended initially but not once I had a few. I now go to the hair dresser every 6 weeks instead of once every 18-24 months. Sorry to disappoint you. They suck


I have greys but I am embracing them. There is something I kind of like about the way they blend in with auburn hair.. it's kinda pretty :) Maybe I will worry about it when most of my head is covered but I am also the kind of person who could not be bothered with it all. I do not like the idea of bathing my head in chemicals regularly either..


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