School refusal.


School refusal.

Teenagers! Hi, my teenage son (14) is very stubborn.. which we work with but it has grown to school refusal over the years where now if he wakes up in the morning and decides he's not going there seems to be nothing I can do!

This morning was the same, and instead of giving up I packed his bag with whatever he needed for the day (food, water, clothes etc) and locked him out of the house while I went to work. He seemed quite adamant walking out of the house with his book ready to just sit outside all day.

My reaction was out of frustration which I don't feel great about. He's quite mature so I knew he would be safe. He would either go to school, my mums (who lives around the corner) or find a way into the house.. I called my mum on the way to work to ask her to check on him.. he was already back in the house half an hour later..

My question is how did you guys get through or have any break through with school refusal? We have exhausted all avenues with the school and he is a good kid! Has career goals etc and no matter how much explaining we just can't get through to him! We know why he doesn't want to go and it's mostly just because he doesn't want to!

Posted in:  Teenagers, Tips and Advice

2 Replies


I went through this with my child and I completely understand the roller-coaster of frustration and empathy. We resorted to online schooling, not to be confused with home-schooling. If they are refusing school but still want an education then its doable. Have a real conversation with him on his level and come up with a plan, 2 years of online then move to a TAFE course or whatever his pathway is. If he has a plan in place it will be less stressful. Online schooling is private but fees are less than attending school.


Change your internet password so home is boring? Find out if he's being bullied and needs to change school? Check his meds are still appropriate if he has any diagnoses? Online school? Call the police on him to do a welfare check since he's legally required to go to school for a little longer? Offer for him to get a FT job and enrol in TAFE if he's almost 15?
