Madien name


Madien name

Hi recently divorced my question is did you change your last name back to your madien name straight away/at all and if so was it done legally or did you just start using it again.My children are all grown up now so that's not a problem.
Thanks lovely's

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

3 Replies


You don't need to reapply legally to go back to using your own maiden name. You can just start using it.

The evidence is already on your birth certificate.


Its a personal choice. My Mum still has her her married name and she split from my Dad 30 years ago! She's also been in a defacto relationship for 15 years. Mum and Dad were married for 20 years so I think she felt too strange going back to her maiden name, like it was too much hassle going back. I also know of others that changed straight away because the relationships were bad and they felt free by changing it. It's up to you! It's also not up to your ex or his family, this is just as much your name as it is theirs, it has nothing to do with them what you decide.


If you’re happy to change back, go ahead. Start with drivers license. I hate my maiden name but I have been considering changing my name altogether.
