Buying a private sale car.


Buying a private sale car.

I’m going to be buying a second hand car off market place soon. I’ve never bought a private sale car before. What forms need to be filled out? Do I supply them? Does the seller supply them? What is the whole process? Does it cost anything at the department of transport? All help and advice appreciated. Thankyou

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Money

2 Replies


Might vary form state to state.
In SA, for example, you both sign transfer of ownership state amount paid, take to dept of transport, pay a certain % of the total value paid for car to dept. I think you can do it online rather than physically take to dept.


Are you buying with RWC/safety certificate? Is it being sold registered?
We just bought one for our son in QLD. Seller had a receipt ready, and the rego transfer paperwork prefilled with their details, we filed in ours and both signed in front of each other. They also gave us the 3 copies of the RWC.
To transfer it was about 35 bucks but stamp duty was also due at time of transfer which was 3% of the sale value.
