Tips to get teenager to Appointment


Tips to get teenager to Appointment

I have an upcoming psychiatrist appointment for my 14 year old girl. Previously I took her to a psychologist but only once because she would not engage and was hostile.
Any tips for encouring her to be agreeable to coming and also how to talk her in to engaging once we are there?
Thanks so much

Posted in:  Teenagers, Tips and Advice

5 Replies


Does she have a phone? Take it away and no credit.

But first sit her down and explain to her how you live and care about her and it’s to help her not only for now but her future. Not many kids have this opportunity like she does, with a supportive mum to get her help. She is very lucky, to have you by her side. If the talk doesn’t work, then take any technology until she attends.


100% disagree with a punitive approach to this. It's about mental health and you shouldn't do anything that's likely to make it worse. Removing a phone from a kid isn't safe. Why would you want to punish anyway?


Maybe offer her fave dinner after, or whatever her preferred reward is?
Is she having behavioural problems, and this is why she's going?


I think consistency. Let her build a relationship with the psychologist, that takes much more than one session.


My son sees one and he is 14, he is willing and asks to see one.

If he didn’t, I would use the day as a special day to attend the appointment and go for Lunch and shopping. Make a day to spoil her to your budget.

My son would often say, can I have the day off if I go, so I would leave him home all Day and spend the day with him after his appointment. We do lunch and op shops. He looks forward to it everytime .

My son doesn’t have technology only a school lap Top, so I suggest keeping it away from
Her. Also technology adds to mental health, so you will be doing her more than one favour here. get rid of it until she seeks help and improves. Each time she attends, give it back to her but until then, no access to it. It’s for her own good. Tough love, she will thank you later.
