9 to 5 routine


9 to 5 routine

Im about time work my first 9 to 5 job 5 days a week in 8 years. I havnt worked a 9 to 5 since I've been a mum.
I've been working 8 to 12.30
Im a full time solo mum to Miss 6 almost 7.
I have AMAZING parents. They will switch the school morning run to the afternoon run.
My daughter has ADHD/ODD. She's on Ritalin so my question is how do I do this?!
This 9 to 5 won't be forever and it's working from home so hopefully house work is sorted.

My daughter struggles to eat. She still can't get her head around using cutlery. So meal times are messy and a fight. She has tantrums over eating. It's exhausting. Try all these different ways and it's still a fight.

Any suggestions on breakfast what to feed her. I just won't have the time to fight her.
And dinner. I just don't have the energy now to fight her any more.
What can I feed her to make it quicker and easier?

Any suggestions on this new way of life will be very appreciated.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, IM's In Business

1 Replies


9to 5 with no commute time sounds much more manageable. With helpful parents, it’s definitely doable! You’re basically only not there from school pickup til 5pm on the dot. Sounds fantastic! And you’re at home so you can cook or make whatever she will eat. Make it simple for yourself and take the fight out of it. Fruit shakes? Toast? Frozen berries and yoghurt? Weetbix? Find whatever it is and meal prep it so it’s ready to go each morning and each night.
