Best place to rent a house near Cairns


Best place to rent a house near Cairns

Hubby has been offered a good job in Cairns & we want to relocate the family but not live right in town... which area is good to rent a house with a decent primary & highschool within less than an hours drive in any direction???

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Things to do and see, Education, Money

2 Replies


Most people would say the Northern suburbs are the best. Redlynch, Smithfield etc. But I live Southside and it's fine. Bentley Park or Gordonvale are ok too. Every area has its problems and every school has its good and bad.
The current rental climate up here you probably mean you will have to take whatever you can get, where ever that is. The rental market is very difficult right now and you can't afford to be picky.


Everything around Cairns is within an hours drive, and most areas have suburban communities so you can shop, day care, etc nearby. Just remember you are not moving to Cairns to commute like a capital city. That's the whole point... Most people live within a 20-40 minute drive of their work. The buses are pretty light and no train, so you will still drive a lot as 'mums taxi'. It really depends what your kids social activities are and any special needs your family have as to any final recommendation. If you post a bit more detail I'll check in again and help with more detailed info if I can. Welcome to our beautiful part of the world!
