Suicidal teen... running out of options.


Suicidal teen... running out of options.

Tw: Suicide, self harm.

My 12 year old is suicidal.
Shes self harming with cutting, using anything she can find: blades, knives, broken glass, cans, pencil sharpeners, scissors...

I just today caught her stockpiling medications for a suicide attempt.

She says she has no friends, no future, that she's too stupid to have a life after school.

Shes recently returned from running away after running away because she had electronics and internet taken away due to sharing inappropriate photos and videos online and talking to strange men for validation.

She didn't want to return, however she burned through her friend group and had no one left to stay with after stealing money and cigarettes from one friend's family and threatening to cut another friend with a blade they were trying to stop her from self harming with.

I'm at a complete loss of what to do. She's spent 2 years on waiting lists and between appointments for paediatricians and mental health services.

Shes still currently waiting for her school to fill in assessment forms for her paediatrician, forms they've had for 2 months now.

Her siblings and myself are diagnosed ASD and ADHD and its quite likely that she is too, however it's just so hard to get her any kind of help...

I'm the only parent working. I have no family. I have no local friends. No support network of any kind.

I am just at a loss of what I can do anymore... the school nurse calls me and says how worried she is, but the school is the hold up with the current doctor and is quite literally preventing her getting help as a result and no matter how many times I call it hasn't changed.

I'm already drowning trying to do everything and am on my own antidepressants and suicidal myself from PMDD most of each month.
I cannot help her myself and no one is listening when I tell them she needs help. Or they just agree with me and expect me to magically make it better...

What can I even do that I haven't already done?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Teenagers, Tips and Advice, Puberty

5 Replies


Next time she threatens self harm ring 000 and they will take her in. She needs to be in hosp and get the right help that way before it’s too late. How awful for you, going through all this.


Ask your dr for a care plane for a psychologist and get her medicated and help.


Get her to hospital. Forget waiting in queues at doctors clinics for a mental health plan that is weeks or months away before you can get a look- in .


With some experience, my daughter going through similar at 11-14 yrs, we have not only embraced mental health referrals but I have been onto a Kinesiologist who I believe has helped cut through the traumas and beliefs that lie underneath. We have seen improved attitude to life, attendance to class and such. I recommend where you can find the professional that we are using. It’s alternate and money well spent in my opinion.

Tammy Hale

Take her to the hospital and keep taking her back when needed

Her life will be like this for a long time she will for ever live with thought of suicide it is going to be a long battle
I speak from experience this was my life once I fight to stay alive every day and can honestly say having kids saved my life because they are why I’m still alive today
