Kids and lazy talking


Kids and lazy talking

What is it with kids today, not knowing how to talk properly .. it's driving me mad. My kids are growing up in a home where we talk clearly, pronunciate, and use corect words. But the kids don't even seem to put spaces between their words and all you get us one giant word that can't be distinguished. We correct their words but it's still not being learned. It's like they make up words sometimes. At first I thought it was just my kids, having all their ears tested, but the specilest said it seems to be very common these days. I've now noticed it's a big thing where I live.... They all talk like self taught speakers.... Like, is their generation just lazy about how to speak.

Posted in:  Kids, Teenagers

9 Replies


Huh? Can't say I've noticed that. Maybe it depends where you live.


We love where a large chunk of the population love well below the poverty line, with drug addicted parents who slure so maybe this is way so many children talk this way, but on saying that, when they come from a home where we talk correctly, I don't understand how they are adopting the way of walking


Pronunciation has gone down hill in the last few decades. I watched a video of school kids from the 50s and their pronunciation was just perfect. Back then it was part of learning, pronunciation was just as important as reading and writing and I believe it's still there in report cards but nobody gives a shit about it any more. It might not seem like a big deal but it does play a big part in reading, kids get confused when they don't speak the same way as the word is written and you could partly blame it for the struggle in literacy today compared to the old days. It's the same with kids who speak aboriginal English then we expect them to get their heads around Australian English when it's a different dialect.


Can't say I have noticed that either, at least not in such a wide spread way! The majority of kids I've encountered in my adult life speak quite articulately and can hold a conversation well.


My 9 year old is incredibly intelligent, however he mumbles. He meshes words together a lot. I always reinforce correct pronounciation and proper spacing between words, he still mumbles. His father (my ex husband) is incredibly bad for lazy speech and never pulls our son up on it, this is, i’m sure why my child speaks this way.


My 14 doesn’t do it in speech, just in text I.e. wasup etc lol


I've never noticed.


Now that you mention it, what I find is a lot of them are fast talkers, ever watched those gaming YouTube videos? Those kids could talk under water.


Are they teenagers? I have a 14 yo boy who only communicates in monosyllabic words 😆 not really, but it feels like it. Could be worse, they could have an American accent because they were raised by YouTube like every second kid these days (yep, I said “these days” 👵
