Stay at home mom or working mom???


Stay at home mom or working mom???

Hi ladies,
I am a first time mom to a wonderful little baby girl. She is 8 months old (:
I have been a stay-at-home-mom since she was born. My husband and I talked about it before we ever even decided to create her, that once we had a child I would be a stay-at-home-mom. He is more than supportive of it, and he makes a decent amount of money with some left over for savings per paycheck.

However, I have not enjoyed being a stay-at-home-mom. I am definitely not a homemaker by any means. I keep this place clean, but that's about it. I cook dinner only for myself because I am vegan, and he is not, so he tells me he'll handle making his own food. I feel immensely guilty that he comes home from a 10hr shift(5x days a week) to make himself dinner and take on the baby. I take good care of our baby, (lots of walks, park, etc.) but I just do not enjoy it at all. I am constantly on my phone and counting down the hours for my husband to get home. I feel so cooped up, unaccomplished, and I've started so much drama with everyone around me due to boredom.
I've been thinking that moving forward we should just put our daughter into daycare & I will start a career. I feel selfish because I have the opportunity to be with her, and would be choosing not to. However I just don't feel like I'm contributing much to our family. I also feel like I could help give her a head start with learning and what not if I am an active SAHM.

My question for you all is am I taking this for granted? Should I just try to rethink how I am seeing this? Should I try to find more appreciation? Do I just not realize how hard being a working mom actually is? Could this simply be PPD?

I'm so torn, and most of all I feel guilt. I know I sound like a spoiled brat, and that's why I'm feeling so awful.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Health & Wellbeing, Money

3 Replies


Stop feeling guilty and just enjoy your time with her at home. Get out with her in the day for walks and activities. Join play group etc. meet other mums for catch ups anything. Don’t give up that chance of being home with her if you don’t have to give it up. I’ve always been home with mine and yes it’s lonely and depressing at times but I wouldn’t want anyone else raising my child while I worked. I wouldn’t want to miss a thing. I do what I can to get out most days and have a break from the home and chores. I do what I want, when I want. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. Your time will be filled in more as she gets older.


I'm a terrible stay at home mum and I thought I'd love it too. But I'm happier when I have a career and my family


Go back to work being a stay at home mum isn’t for everyone. If you aren’t fully engaged at home with your child what’s the point better to get out feel better about yourself and you’ll enjoy your down time more at home
