


I have three young children and really struggle with ideas for snacks for them. I feel really guilty about the type of snacks I currently provide. Majority are all packaged and store brought. I am needing ideas for healthy snacks I can give them between meals. The children are three and five. They can be somewhat fussy at times.

Posted in:  Kids

2 Replies


Cut up cuc, tomato, grated carrot, tinned corn, rice crackers, salami or ham, cheese, dried fruit, sundried tomatoes, olives, pretzels, sliced pear, any fruit actually, peanut butter, pizza scrolls cut up, get a divided snack plate and fill it up with a bit of everything, they love it.
Aldi has choc coated rice crackers that my kids love so that might be a good swap for a 'treat'.


I told my 5yo asd ss this morning that his yoghurt was white chocolate 🤣 he devoured it after previously chucking a fit.
Cookie cutters to make fruit into fun shapes.
Reintroducing fruit and veg repeatedly and having a stand off works. My stepkids have learned that what works on bio (screaming, yelling, etc) doesn't work on me. It's not easy and it breaks your heart but if they see you're firm, they'll do it.
I do first and second breakfast to break bad habits. Fruit first and they must eat that before getting cereal, etc. They have stopped protesting. Obviously they're allowed not to like certain things but if they're opposing food for the simple fact it's not their fav snacks, it's not on.

I look for chip alternatives like pea snacks, etc and we nickname certain good foods. Quiche is "cake".
