Post surgery bra for kids


Post surgery bra for kids

My 11 year old Daughter is having open heart surgery in 2 weeks time 😔
She is quite developed and the doctor has suggested we buy her some zip up front bras for post surgery as she’s not comfortable wearing nothing. She is very thin and the smallest Ladies crop we can find is an 8 which is still too big but I’m struggling to find anything in kids sizes. Would anyone have any suggestions on where to find something small enough? We live regional so it would have to be a store online.
Thank you in advance x

Posted in:  Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice

7 Replies


My daughter is 11 and super petite too.

She fits ladies size 6 sports crops.
Rebel sport and Kmart (Everlast brand) often have zip front ones, the only thing is they might be too firm for post op recovery.


A bikini top with ties around neck and back, adjustable and you should be able to wrap it twice around her so it ties at the front.


Google breast augmentation bras or mastectomy bras they should come in small sizes


Id get someone with a handmade goods side business, or a tailor, to add zips or latches to the front of her fave ones.


I had open heart surgery also and was roughly 38kg at the time :)

Kmart have crops that zip up at the front which whilst big were the most comfortable as it stopped any rubbing on my incision sites. Also, maternity singlets from kmart in the smallest size were extremely comfortable.

Good luck to her and also to you mumma!!


Thank you so much!


I had ohs 1 year ago, I found bras way to uncomfortable for so long after surgery, what worked for me was bandeau type bras/tops, you can get them from beat and less in the teen bra section, she might be able to step into them and pull them up that way, even a size bigger to make it easier. Good luck to your daughter and I hope she has a smooth recovery, take it easy x
