Teen bed wetting


Teen bed wetting

Please help!

Our almost 12 year old son still wets the bed, im not talking once every couple of days. Its every single night and quite a large amount. Both his father and I were bed wetter when we were younger, his father into his teens. So we just thought he would grow out of it, but its now really starting to effect him.
We have tried everything, alarms don't wake him up, his worn pull ups and is now extremely embarrassed by them so refuses to (understandably so) we have tried the nasal spray from the doctors and while it may work for one night its not recommended to use every single night.
What has helped other mums of teen bed wetters?

Posted in:  Kids, Teenagers

4 Replies


Go to the gp and get a referral to a urologist. My 15 year old cousin is still a bed wetter - after her referral she was put onto a tablet that she takes every night but they’ll also look for any other underlying conditions


My daughter is now 17 and was a consistent bed wetter up until the last 12 months or so. We did everything, alarms, pads on beds, pull ups, restricting fluids in the evenings, waking her up to go to the toilet, she took Minerin, she had an ultrasound on her bladder, she had a CT scan on her brain, she had blood tests. Which all resulted in a diagnosis of primary enuresis (no reason bedwetter essentially). She just had to grow out of it and its been difficult for her at times. She is a heavy sleeper which may have contributed but in the end all I could do was support her and help her in any way I could. Using waterproof mattress protectors, and bed pads got us through, but I had to accept that I would be washing sheets everyday. I would suggest making sure there is nothing else medically wrong by getting all the tests, and if they can't find anything then just move forward with acceptance that he will grow out of it and in the mean time it just it was it is. Sorry I don't have better advice. Good luck mumma.


It could be 2 simple this one being his not developed the hormone yet or he could be so constipated and backed up that he can't feel when he needs to go in his sleep. Both of these are very common with bed wetters


Please take him to the gp and have them test for type 1 diabetes
