Why do men want nudes all the time?


Why do men want nudes all the time?

Is it normal not to want to send nudes or even cleavage to a guy you barely know? I’m mid 40s and anytime I meet someone online he wants photos. I don’t feel comfortable doing any of that. I just want to get to know someone first and do sexual things in private and in person if it leads to that.
I actually don’t even see what is in it for me by sending them? It’s simply all about them and appeasing a man you don’t even know. If I feel pressured at my age I can see why young people do it. Am I in the minority here and how do you say know without sounding like a prude?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

14 Replies


Because they are too cheap to pay Cam Girls.

Good guys don’t want you to send nudes from the get go. It’s ok to have boundaries and stick to them.
There are a lot of guys in dating sites and real life etc who pester women for pics. It can be overwhelming, but they aren’t the guys you want, I just tell them no, and if they keep asking it’s straight to blocking them.
There are guys who genuinely want to meet someone get to know them, you’ve just got to wade through all the sludge to find them.


Many dont actually mean nudes, they want a pic to see you. Ive asked a few for pics and they send a selfie. The ones that send body shots are looking for a hookup any way, yes just say no.


There are lots of guys that trawl online dating sites just to get something for their wank bank. Someone that wants to physically meet you will not ask for nudes first. Then you have to work out if the ones that want to physically meet you just want sex or are actually interested in more. Online dating is so confusing but I met my partner of 5 years this way so there are some good ones in there! Good luck. Do not send nudes!


No guy I am friends with asks for these from girls they're actually interested in. I'd move on to someone actually interested in getting to know you ....


If a guys wants a nude he wants to fuck you, not date you


Stay true to what you are comfortable. I’ve said no and they will accept it or not... if not and that’s not what you are happy with just be more assertive and say you aren’t into that sort of thing. Next stop block and move on. Clearly not for you.

Casey Spencer

Tell them no and move on.... many man, in my experience, on line have wives and partners, just looking for a quick shag. If a man asks for nudes, send him a photo of lipstick n say "I hope it gets u off" then stop contact. A respectable man will make u feel bad like that


Say no, move on and NEVER feel bad about it. It’s a great way to weed out the dickheads!


I’m 45 and get asked for nudes by young blokes all the time. I don’t send them though


At 46 I still receive the occasional random dick pic. 🤢


Men like that are the reason I'm in a job. Nothing is for free.


It’s a clear red flag! Move on!


Been happily married for 13 years, knew him for a few years before that, and hubby has never asked for nudes. Keep looking for someone who values all of you, not just your physical appearance.


As soon as a guy even hints at this, I block and move on. I think it shows who they are and how much respect they have for women. They are in it for the right reasons. You aren’t alone. It creeps me out straight up but it’s also a warning that you dodged a bullet..!
