Weight loss help please!


Weight loss help please!

Hi sisters

I need some tried and tested ways to lose weight with a very fussy newborn and no help around the house. I’ve packed on heaps of weight BEFORE getting pregnant (I didn’t gain much during pregnancy and lost all of that) but am struggling to do anything about it with a newborn and little sleep and housework piling up. I barely eat much and am breastfeeding so don’t want to affect my supply (which is low as it is) by going on a diet? Regardless of all this, I’m not losing weight! I though the stress and what not would drop the weight off naturally...

It takes ages for me to feed and get baby to sleep only for bubs to wake up so often I don’t know when I could even begin to work out. Not to mention how exhausted I am...if I could do anything I’d get some sleep to be honest.

Not even sure what I’m asking but does anyone have any ideas of things I can eat perhaps or do to try to shed some of this weight at home?

I’m feeling super yuck and it’s affecting my marriage and self esteem and I don’t want to be this person anymore.

TIA and love to you all x

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

8 Replies


Lack of sleep significantly effects your ability to loose weight as it effects your metabolism.
Now is the time to feed your baby, feed yourself (under eating is just as bad as over eating) and SLEEP when ever you can.
Most people who manage to loose weight with a newborn have A LOT of help to look after there baby.


Are you able to express so your partner can do some feeds? Or even a bottle of formula if you aren’t able to express enough. I wasn’t successful breastfeeding either of my babies. My eldest latched on perfectly while in hospital, but as soon as we went home he refused the breast. I expressed and continued offering the breast but it wasn’t enough for him. He was hungry and very unsettled as a result. So we were topping him up with formula throughout the day/night as needed. My youngest was tube fed due to swallowing issues and spent 9 weeks in special care. I expressed for about 7 weeks but the nurses had to top him up with formula because I wasn’t expressing enough for his requirements. It’s possible baby is so fussy because they’re hungry. A full tummy will help them sleep better. Have you spoken to a lactation consultant about ways to increase your supply? I think you need to work on getting baby feeding and sleeping better so that you can get more sleep, then think about losing weight. Make sure you are eating a healthy balanced diet, then when sleep has improved for all you can look at getting some exercise. Also get your partner helping more with baby as well as around the house.


Keto is fantastic! X


Low carb is def a good option but while breast feeding you should be eating 50 grams of carbs per day to maintain a good supply.


Low carb is def a good option but while breast feeding you should be eating 50 grams of carbs per day to maintain a good supply.


How old is your baby? My fourth has just gone 3 months and I’ve only just started feeling on top of life and out of the newborn fog and able to look after me beyond just getting as much sleep as possible. With my first it was more like 6 months. So don’t be too hard on yourself. It sounds like maybe you need to get hubby to step up a bit more, you don’t have to do it all yourself.

A friend of mine went on weight watchers while she was still breastfeeding and the amount of food she had to eat was huge - they explained to her that it’s the fuel her body needed to feed her baby and she did lose weight as well.

For me it’s all about preparation because with a newborn often I forget to eat and then just grab the easiest thing and usually it’s sugary or high carb to give me that energy boost. So I make up 4 days worth of lunches and every morning I make a platter of snacks. So basically breakfast is toast with feta cheese, slice of bacon, an egg and a handful of cooked kale. Lunch is a big salad with half a chicken breast stuffed with creamy garlic mixed through it. Dinner I eat the same as the family because I can’t handle being hungry at night but I don’t eat after dinner. On my platter I have a handful of nuts, carrot sticks, fruit, and a fun size chocolate bar. Walking is the only exercise I do and I try really hard to time it so that the big kids are in bed so hubby only has baby to look after. It’s only for maybe 30 mins but it’s good me time for me and good time for Dad to have time with baby without me interfering and taking over


Pop Bub in the pram and start walking girl! It will not only help get your body moving but does wonders for your mental health as well. Baby will most likely sleep with the motion of the pram so maybe go after a feed when they’re nice and full.
Don’t let the cold weather put you off rug yourself up and an extra blanket on baby and off you go. If you do it every day or at least every second day it will start to become a habit and part of your daily routine that you will look forward to.
I’m not a big eater either so I get that, but if you can try to snack on protein type foods for energy. Also have easy foods on hand like nuts, boiled eggs, shredded chicken, tuna, yoghurt, fruit etc. I think your mental health is just as important as your physical health especially after having a baby and walking is great for both I can tell you from personal experience. All the best to you, start small and work your way forward, you can do this xx

Chandler O'Donnell

I am a new mum and have found a fantastic program that has helped me lose 12kgs so far. It can be tailored to breastfeeding mothers also. Please feel free to contact me if you would like some more information.
