Money help


Money help

My partner( soon to be ex) is a ice addict and he is getting so bad he has spent all our money and I want to know if there is somewhere in cairns that can help with bond furniture so I can leave with the kids. I have just gone back to work after mat leave I need to get out for my kids and myself

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Money

2 Replies


Go to centrelink - they might have payments and assistance ready for you. Check with your bank, I think Comm bank have a DV assistance. Salvos and a few other places might be able to help as well.


Department of housing can help with bond. Try your local second hand stores for furniture.

See if you can get a few mates (family or friends) to help you take all the kids stuff while your soon to be ex is out of the house to lessen the amount of stuff you do need for yourself and the kids.
