What other options do I have?


What other options do I have?

I'm so lost right now. I have 10 and 11 yr old boys. Both have been suspended more times than they have been at school (or so it fricken feels like) over getting into fights, being wankers or just general disrespect. My 10yo just got suspended again today, 3 weeks out of end of year, for being non compliant. That's 2 days in a row now, out of class and not following directions. It took me half an hour yesterday to get him into the car. He's just being totally unruly. We are in touch with cymhs through the hospital and they have tried him on staterra in order to try and get him to settle and focus in class, but now he is even more unmanageable. Even pulling a knife on his brother in one of his fits of rage.
My question is that have any other parents experienced this type of behaviour without a formal diagnosis of anything.
The school have been amazingly supportive and flexible, but there is only so much either of us can do.

Posted in:  Kids

8 Replies


Pull them out and homeschool for a year or so whilst getting as much help with them as possible to find out what's causing this behaviour then start them at new schools for a fresh start. It's not normal at all for their ages, this is only going to get worse for them. You need to find out if it's a disorder like ADHD or caused by trauma, they are basically the causes you're looking at for this age!


We need some background on their lives, has there been dv or trauma?
What’s their dad like?
So many questions before we can speculate.
Kids don’t tend to wake up at 10 and 11 out of control, was has been the lead up?
What treatment have you Sort in the past?


How about a good belting!! Get them in line now b4 it's too late!! Old school discipline.


I’m not against a smack but come on you really think that’s going to be helpful at this stage?


I would most deffinently be going down the line of getting a formal diagnosis for behavioural issues. GP > Paediatrician > psychologist.
Think of there futures. At 10 and 11 you should have some control of them. What about at 16 and 17 when they have more freedom? That's a scary thought.
Also, medication like that can take up to 3 months to see improvements in focusing.


It's how they have been raised. Children need to be taught right from wrong. Praise good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour. Although this should be started from day one. Unfortunately you have not raised your children and given boundaries and taught them the correct way to behave. Good luck trying now. And no diagnosis is going to change that. I have a child with Asperger's and ADHD, he is well mannered and respectful, doesn't have any bad behaviours.


Self-righteous much?


I'd say you need to get an official diagnosis. What if there is a medication that can help, or what if it is just flat out his personality. Once you get that done, you can move forward in what you need to change.

I am a TA for a student who is violent, defiant, destructive and just out right rude.
The student is medicated but even then I still get punched and hit if I ask the simplest task, like I'd like you to put your shoes back on.
I think you need to look into schools that cater to additional support requirements. It's really not fair on other students trying to learn. Each week at least once, my classroom is being evacuated because this student is throwing chairs or trying to hurt others. The TV in the room has been replaced multiple times because in fits of rage this student breaks them.
While I believe every student deserves the right to a good education, I think some schools are better suited to students. And this even goes for students who do not have additional requirements.
