Gestational Diabetes


Gestational Diabetes

Hi ladies.
About 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes (this is my second baby and never had it with my first) to be classed as positive I had to be over a 5 and I was a 5.4. I still can't help but feel this is crap. How do I deal? How did you? I feel like this has put a damper on my happiness through pregnancy and now this is all I can think about I'm so mad. I hate those finger pricks, I hate having to eat on a schedule, I hate the judgement of numbers. Has anyone ever said stuff this I'm not doing it anymore? I just feel like any other pregnant woman that isn't diagnosed with GD would have crap numbers if they tested 2 hours after meals too yet don't have to do this crap every day. I feel like it dictates my life. P.S all my numbers have been just fine except every test first thing in the morning are high so now I'm on tablets to see if that helps. Please no rough negative comments, I'm all sorts of emotions on this already.

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


It sucks to have something else to worry about but try and put this into perspective- GD is a totally manageable condition- you have a finite period of time that you have to do all the extra stuff and doing it will ensure the best outcome for you and bub. As a health professional trust me far fewer people are judging you than you think. Try to not worry about other women who may or may not have it because unless they tell you, you wouldn't know and if they dont have GD it isn't a reflection of them or you and your ability to be a mother. Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy- you can do this!!


I've had it both pregnancies and will probably get it this time too.
And I felt very much like you the first time and I remember so many tears about it.

The thing with the numbers is usually that, the further along you get, the worse it may become. Which is why only .4 over is enough to start keeping track and an eye on things.

I was able to keep both my previous pregnancies GD diet controlled and didn't need to go on insulin but I definitely did notice the more pregnant I become, the harder the numbers were to keep down.

There is a GD group on Facebook which might help you too.

But just so you know, i felt exactly the same. And all these feelings probably will arrive again when I develop it again this pregnancy. God, being pregnant is hard enough let alone having to track everything you eat, prick your fingers and be under a certain number. Its definitely stressful.


I had GD in all three of my pregnancies. When I was first diagnosed I was so upset but mainly I felt guilty because I felt as though I brought it on myself.
I managed to control my sugars through diet for my first 2, my 3rd numbers were a bit all over the place so Dr put me on metformin. I hate hate hate drs and hospitals and the extra appointments with dietitians and endocrinologist were a major pain but I kept my log , tracked my food, and turned up for every single appointment because I wanted to do what's best for my baby.
GD is something that you need to take seriously and no, not everyone would test with higher numbers 2 hours after the glucose drink because their insulin is doing the right thing.
If you do not control your sugars during the pregnancy your baby is likely to be very big and there are lots of complications that come with that. Also once baby is born they can experience low blood sugars themselves which can cause breathing and feeding difficulties and likely put them in special care and tested until their sugars stabilise.
Although it's not ideal to have to test yourself and monitor your food it's something that is manageable and short term. A big plus to all this I found was that I only gained 4kg in my pregnancies which was mostly baby!


It sux it can have an effect on you and your baby. You must keep going as hard as it is and 5.4 is high for early morning if you hadn’t had anything. Listen to what you are told to do and keep doing it. Also there is a higher risk
Of having type one diabetes once you have had this so make sure you look after yourself.
