Bragging and kids


Bragging and kids

How do you teach a 6 year old not to brag without ruining their self esteem. My son loves to tell everyone of all his achievements and hasn’t picked up on social cues yet. So when people ignore him he just repeats himself but louder..

5 Replies


Is he bragging or just really excited and wants to share? If it's the latter let him go, we shouldn't shame kids for being proud of their achievements. If he's saying it like this "I'm better at swimming than you because I passed this stage and you're only on this stage" then that's not nice and needs to be stopped. If he's saying it like "Hey guess what?! I passed my swimming stage today!" Then that's just being proud and should be encouraged.


It’s definitely the latter. He is super kind and very good at celebrating others! He also looses really well.


Turn taking.


My kids used to do this, I’d say to them “x now just remember it’s great to tell people your exciting news but they might have some exciting news too. Don’t forget to ask!” I’d prep the before we arrived at parties etc


I think it’s sad that people ignore him really. Our 5yo is always super excited to tell friends and family when he’s done something really cool (which could be something as simple as eating his veggies lol) or when he gets a new toy. It’s not hard for an adult to say “wow that’s really cool mate”. Is it other kids not engaging with him? Im just mindful and encourage him to ask his little friends about themselves too 🤗
