Formula recommendations


Formula recommendations

My daughter is strictly on breast milk only but I want her get used to formula so the transition is easy once I stop breastfeeding. I’ve tried aptimal gold and she hates it. She’s 2 months and I just want to give her one bottle of formula each night. Is there anything close to the taste of breast milk out there?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

7 Replies


I don’t think any really taste like breasts milk. As I’ve the worst breastfeeder ever due to never having a good supply (even with all the tablets they can give you) I’ve found when choosing formulas it’s super expensive to start with as you trial and error it. One I’ve used for most of my other kids was rotten for another one and gave him tummy upset. I remember putting my now 18 year old on formula for the first time and went though 4 different tins before finding one that was good for her. My dr at the time said they all have to meet a certain standard in Australia so start at the cheapest and work your way up till you find what’s right for Bub. BEST advice ever!! Good luck x


Thanks for the advice, will have to give them all a go then x


Someone below suggested the small individual packs, usually they are kept with the food and not formula so maybe you can get out of it a little cheaper than a full tin if you try it that way. Just double check age though because I can’t recall seeing any for newborn - 6 months, just 6 months plus 😃 Either way good luck again!!


I was told the by my midwife to use karicare as it a little sweeter than most of the others and tastes a lot like breastmilk. It was the second one I tried my son on and he took to it right away.


You can also ask your mhcc for sample packets of different formulas. They have them on hand for parents trying to chose one that suits their babies. Also supermarkets sell little boxes of 6 individual serves so you could grab a few of them for trial and error, saves buying a lot of different tins


Okay awesome, will have to try different ones. She doesn’t take a bottle either, even if it’s my breast milk so I just want her to at least get used to a bottle as well.


Nuk bottles have a nipple shaped teat. Good for babies that have had boobies
